ADCS Semantic Data Model for Proof Of Concept: List of main entities

Version date: 2022-02-23

NoLine Number
TType of element: E=Entity, A=Attribute
NNesting level of the element
Business TermThe name of the information element (attribute), or coherent group of related information elements (entity), provided to give logical meaning
DomainProperties of the attribute, like datatype, maximum length, number of decimals, pattern, codelist, minimum value, maximum value etc.
TagTag of the element
PKPrimary Key indication
Ref. entityReference Entity
Ref. attributeReference Attribute
DescriptionDescription of the element

Index of main entities

NoBusiness TermDescription
1BAS BUSINESS SEGMENTThe BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] and the BAS_Business_Segment_Hierarchy [BasBusSgHrchy] have been designed to tabularize the portions of an organizational chart that is reflected in the business transactions as structural units e.g. business unit, department, cost center and project).The fields within the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] are used to capture the individual organizational unit represented by each box on an organizational diagram.
2BAS BUSINESS SEGMENT HIERARCHYThe fields in the BAS_Business_Segment_Hierarchy [BasBusSgHrchy] are used to capture the relationships between the individual organization units. The table assumes a one to one relationship and captures the data necessary to consolidate transactions occurring for child level organizational units into higher level organizational structures (for example, business unit to division).
3BAS EMPLOYEEContains the personnel information of the employee in an independent accounting unit.
4BAS USERContains the user information of accounting and/or ERP system.
5BAS CUSTOMER TYPEContains detailed descriptions of the customer type.
6BAS CUSTOMERContains essential and generic information of the customers.
7BAS SUPPLIER TYPEContains detailed descriptions of the supplier type.
8BAS SUPPLIERContains essential and generic information of the suppliers.
9BAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSContains the information about GL accounts, including name, description, type and hierarchy. This table is level 1. When it is cross-referred by other table(s), consistency shall apply. For example, in this table, the value of GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] is 101, the value of GL_Account_Name [GlAcntNm] is cash, and the value of Balance_Debit_Or_Credit is D. If the value of GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in GL_Tial_Balance table is 101, then the Amount corresponding with cash account (101) must be debit.
10BAS ACCOUNTING PERIODContains information related to the accounting period, including corresponding fiscal year, beginning date and ending date. The table captures the time range within a specific reporting period and year, in which business transactions and entries are accumulated into financial statements and other reports.
11BAS JOURNAL ENTRY TYPEContains information relevant to the GL journal entry type (e.g. cash receipts, cash disbursements).
12BAS BILL TYPEThe information of the bill type (e.g. bank draft, commercial draft, promissory note, check). Bills are frequently used in the business cycle of sales and purchase, as evidence of debt, payment and/or settlement instrument.
13BAS SETTLEMENT METHODContains information on methods used to settle transactions. Businesses can adopt various methods to settle transactions and transfer money, especially in sales and purchase activities. Typical settlement methods include cash settlements, issuing bills, using credit cards, bank remittances and bank collections.
14BAS CURRENCYContains the information of the currency.
15BAS MEASUREMENT UNITContains information of the measurement unit (UOM) used in the modules of GL, SAL, PUR, INV and PPE.
16BAS PAYMENT TERMContains the details of the payment term, which is applied and referenced in the PUR and SAL modules. The payment term refers to the condition of a sale/purchase agreement and is related to how the customer will pay (type of credit instrument), and especially how much time is allowed for payment (credit period) and discount (cash discount and discount period).
17BAS PROJECTContains the detailed information related to the project (e.g. construction project, government or business-funded research project). Projects are commonly administrated separately and could be subject to being audit in accordance with regulatory and/or managerial requirements. The audit of a project is a thorough examination of the management, execution, methodology, procedures, records, budgets, expenditures, and the degree of completion. It is referenced in several modules including GL, AR, AP and INV.
18BAS BANK ACCOUNTContains the details of a bank account.
19BAS TAX REGULATORYContains regulatory information related to taxes, including regulator country, region, name and role.
20BAS TAX TYPEContains detailed information on tax types used by the business. The tables in AR, SAL, AP and PUR modules contain 4 tax types, which can meet the requirements in most cases of the business. Tax types could be tax in country level, state level, county level or in local level, or could be tax related to a transaction (e.g. sales tax, value added tax, tariff).
21BAS CUSTOMIZED ACC SEGMENTAn Account Segment is a customized file item, which includes the information of the customized account segments that are not fixed account segments and no other table contains their description information (e.g. region type). This table is used together with the BAS_Customized_ACC_Value [BasCstmzdAccValue].
22BAS CUSTOMIZED ACC VALUEContains the information from the customized account segment value.
23BAS PROFILEContains industry and software version information. This table contains information related to the profile of the data being collected. For example, when we extract the financial data of 2016 from an auditee using SAP XXX ERP System in 2017.1.16, there should be a record with the Profile_Name [ProfileNm] "XXX_2016", Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] "2016", Developer_Name [DvlprNm] "SAP", Software_Name [SftwNm] "SAP_S/4", Software_Version [SftwVers] "2.0", Functional_Currency "CNY", Standard_Version [StdVers] "ISO 21378", Extracted_Date [ExtractedDt] "2017-01-16".
24GL TRIAL BALANCEContains all the ledger account balance information of the ADCS. The GL_Trial_Balance [GlTrialBal] file shall contain the ending balances at a point in time. The GL_Trial_Balance [GlTrialBal] should be extracted at the same time as the GL_Details [GlDtls] to prevent differences in transactions and balances.
25GL DETAILSContains all of the journal entry details for each transaction (e.g. associated journal entry ID, associated account number, debits or credits associated with the journal entry line). This table should be at the journal entry line level.
26GL SOURCEContains additional information about the sources provided in the GL_Details [GlDtls] table. Each source shall include a description of the ERP system or accounting package, from which the data is extracted, and information related to the business process the data represents.
27GL ACCOUNT SEGMENTContains the code and name for the account segment, as well as the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] to which the account segment is related. Account Segment provides additional information for particular GL_Accounts (e.g. the AR contains the information regarding supplier, customer, employee, and project). Such information would be treated as an Account Segment below A/R, thus resulting in a lengthy account structure. The Account Segment structure is therefore defined as a set to record related information, which efficiently stops account names and numbers from becoming too long and too complex. Account Segment is more flexible to capture the complicated information.Some of the most frequently used account segments (e.g. project, employee, bank account) are defined as fixed fields in tables, such as GL_Details [GlDtls]. These segments are called "fixed account segments" in the document. Fixed account segments and other customized account segments are covered in this table.
28GL ACCOUNT PERIOD BALANCEContains the cumulative total and balance of accounts in each accounting period, facilitating the calculation of beginning, ending balance, duration amounts and quantity, thus reflecting information and changes in GL more intuitively. In this table, the quantity can serve different regulatory and managerial purposes. For example, subledgers of inventory and PPE may not be covered in some auditees' systems. In this case, we can record the cumulative total and balance of quantity of inventory or PPE in this table. This is a well-established practice in some countries, like France and China. Countries can choose to use GL_Trial_Balance [GlTrialBal] or GL_Accounts_Period_Balance [GlAcntPerBal] or both, depending on their customary practice, regulatory and managerial requirements.
29AR OPEN ACCOUNT RECEIVABLEContains details regarding all open, unpaid or unresolved customer transactions as of a specified date. Each row in this table represents the balance expected from the customer for one uniquely identifiable transaction. This data should be at the summary level (by invoice), not at the detailed level (by invoice line item). The sum total of the transaction amounts as of the specified date shall reconcile to the total AR amount in the GL as of the same date.
30AR CASH RECEIVEDContains information on all payment transactions received during the period. Cash means any type of receipt received including checks, wire transfers and cash.
31AR CASH APPLICATIONContains information of all cash receipts applied against the invoice during the period under review. The file will record each application of cash receipt to an invoice. For example, if a cash receipt was applied to three invoices, there will be three records for that receipt, one for each of the invoices to which the cash was applied. In the context of this process, cash means any type of receipt received including checks and wire transfers and cash.
32AR ADJUSTMENTContains all adjustments recorded against the invoice and impacting the invoice balance during the period. (e.g. write-offs, credit memos, and other adjustments). The data set shall contain one record for each adjustment to each invoice. For example, if an adjustment transaction impacted three invoices, there shall be three records for that adjustment: one for each of the invoices impacted by the adjustment.
33AR ADJUSTMENT DETAILSContains line item details for the invoices included in the AR_Adjustments [ArAdj].
34SAL CONTRACTContains summary information of sales contracts placed during the period under review. In situations where companies only require sales orders, the sales contract(s) may not always be available.
35SAL CONTRACT DETAILSContains line item details for the sales contracts. Each line includes product, quantity, customer, price per unit and trading amount.
36SAL ORDERContains summary information of sales orders pertinent to orders placed during the period under review. Sales orders are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AR entries.
37SAL ORDER DETAILSContains line item details for sales orders. Each line includes product, quantity, due date, price per unit, trading amount and settlement organization. Multiple types of products may be presented in one sales order. Additionally, different shippers and settlement organizations may be assigned by each order line.
38SAL INVOICE GENERATEDContains summary information for the invoices generated during the period under review. Invoices are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AR entries. Each line includes invoice ID, invoice number, invoice date, customer, invoice amount, currency type, tax type, tax amount, settlement method and payment terms.
39SAL INVOICE GENERATED DETAILSContains line item details for invoices. Each line includes invoice line information on specific products, measurement unit, price per unit, invoice amount, currency type, tax type code and tax amount.
40SAL SHIPMENT MADEContains summary information for shipments and shipment adjustments made against sales orders during the period under review. Shipments made are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AR entries. Each line includes shipment ID and Number, shipment date, shipping amount, customer information and currency type.
41SAL SHIPMENT MADE DETAILSContains line item details for shipments and shipment adjustments. Each line includes shipments made, measurement unit, price per unit, order amount and currency type.
42AP OPEN ACCOUNT PAYABLEContains details regarding all open, unpaid, or unresolved payable transactions as of a specified date. Each row in this table represents the balance due to the supplier for one uniquely identifiable transaction. This file should be at the summary level (by invoice), not at the detailed level (by invoice line item). The sum total of the transaction amounts as of the specified date shall reconcile to the total AP amount in the general ledger (GL) as of the same date.
43AP PAYMENT MADEContains information on all payment transactions made during the period. Types of payments include check, wire transfer and cash.
44AP CASH APPLICATIONContains information of all cash payments applied against the invoice during the period under review. The table will have one line for each application of a cash payment to an invoice. For example, if a cash payment was applied to three invoices, there will be three records for that payment - one for each of the invoices to which the cash was applied. In the context of this process, cash means any type of payment received including checks and wire transfers and cash.
45AP ADJUSTMENTContains all adjustments recorded against the invoice and impacting the invoice balance during the period. For example, write-offs, credit memos, and other adjustments. The table will have one line for each adjustment to each invoice. For example, if an adjustment transaction impacted three invoices, there will be three records for that adjustment-one for each of the invoices impacted by the adjustment.
46AP ADJUSTMENT DETAILSContains line item details for the invoices included in the AP_Adjustments [ApAdj] table. The table will have one line for each invoice line item impacted by each adjustment.
47PUR REQUISITIONContains summary information for purchase requisitions placed during the period under review.
48PUR REQUISITION DETAILSContains line item details for the purchase requisitions. The table contains material, quantity, due date, requisition organization and the purchase organization.
49PUR CONTRACTContains summary information of a purchase contract placed during the period under review. In situations where companies only require purchase orders, the purchase contract(s) may not always be available.
50PUR CONTRACT DETAILSContains line item details for the purchase contracts. Each line includes material, quantity, supplier, price per unit and trading amount.
51PUR ORDERContains summary information of purchase orders placed during the period under review. Purchase orders are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AP entries.
52PUR ORDER DETAILSContains line item details for purchase orders. Each line includes material, quantity, due date, price per unit, trading amount, recipient and settlement organization. Multiple types of materials may be presented in one purchase order.
53PUR INVOICE RECEIVEDContains summary information for the invoices received during the period under review. Invoices are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AP entries. Each line includes invoice ID, invoice number, invoice date, supplier, invoice amount, currency type, tax type, tax amount, settle method and payment terms.
54PUR INVOICE RECEIVED DETAILSContains line item details for invoices. Each line includes invoice line information on specific materials, measurement unit, price per unit, invoice amount, currency type, tax type code, and tax amount.
55PUR MATERIALS RECEIVEDContains summary information for shipments and shipment adjustments received against purchase orders during the period under review. Materials received are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AP entries. Each line includes receipt ID and Number, receipt date, receipt amount, supplier information and currency type.
56PUR MATERIALS RECEIVED DETAILSContains line item details for shipments and shipment adjustment. Each line includes materials received, measurement unit, price per unit, order amount and currency type.
57INV LOCATIONContains information of an inventory location where inventory may be tracked.
58INV PRODUCT TYPEContains inventory product type information and the tree structure information of inventory product type.
59INV PRODUCTContains basic attributes of an inventory item and other tracked item through the purchase, use and sales.
60INV ON HANDContains information of inventory on hand (e.g. suppliers, quantities of items by location and amounts as of the specified date).
61INV TRANSACTIONContains transaction history impacting the inventory accounts during the specified time period.
62INV PHYSICAL INVENTORYContains the quantities on hand as of the date of the physical inventory count as well as the flow information.
63INV PERIOD BALANCEContains inventory information regarding its beginning and ending balances, quantities and durational quantities and amounts.
64PPE TYPEContains the details of each PPE type.
65PPE MASTERContains the details of each PPE item (e.g. its code, specification, location, acquiring date, original cost, quantity).
66PPE ADDITIONContains the information of PPE addition transactions.
67PPE REMOVALContains the details related to PPE removal transactions.
68PPE CHANGEContains changes in PPE information not related to additions and removals of PPE. Examples of information changes recorded include revaluation, historical cost, depreciation method and ownership.
69PPE DEPARTMENT ALLOCATIONContains information about how the related expenses are allocated among departments who benefit from using the PPE, especially the depreciation expenses.
70PPE DEPRECIATION METHODContains the information of depreciation methods used for PPE depreciation.
71PPE DEPRECIATIONContains the information correlating with PPE summarized depreciation in the period.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS BUSINESS SEGMENT--BasBusSgThe BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] and the BAS_Business_Segment_Hierarchy [BasBusSgHrchy] have been designed to tabularize the portions of an organizational chart that is reflected in the business transactions as structural units e.g. business unit, department, cost center and project).The fields within the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] are used to capture the individual organizational unit represented by each box on an organizational diagram.
2A2Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 251..1BusSgCdPKCode for each business segment.
3A2Business Segment NameNAME 250..1BusSgNmName of the business segment.
4A2Segment Reference LevelREFERENCE LEVEL0..1SgRefLevelRelative level of the segment, with 1 being the consolidated level and the numbers increasing through the lower levels of the organizational chart.
5A2Organization Type NameNAME 600..1OrgTypNmIndicates the name of the organization type (e.g. department, cost centre).

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS BUSINESS SEGMENT HIERARCHY--BasBusSgHrchyThe fields in the BAS_Business_Segment_Hierarchy [BasBusSgHrchy] are used to capture the relationships between the individual organization units. The table assumes a one to one relationship and captures the data necessary to consolidate transactions occurring for child level organizational units into higher level organizational structures (for example, business unit to division).
2A2Parent CodeIDENTIFIER 251..1ParCdPKBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for the parent business segment.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
3A2Child CodeIDENTIFIER 251..1ChildCdPKBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for the child business segment.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS EMPLOYEE--BasEmpContains the personnel information of the employee in an independent accounting unit.
2A2Employee IDIDENTIFIER 601..1EmpIdPKUnique identifier for an employee. Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Employee CodeTEXT 600..1EmpCdCode for the employee. Each employee has only one code. If someone has part-time jobs in multiple departments, there will be more than one record with different Employee_ID [EmpId] in this table. The part time status will be reflected in Employee_Type_Code [EmpTypCd].
4A2Employee NameNAME 1000..1EmpNmThe name of the employee.
5A2Inactive FlagBOOLEAN0..1InactiveFlagIndicates whether one employee is active or inactive.An employee can become inactive due to various reasons (e.g taking a sabbatical).
6A2Employee Type CodeTEXT 600..1EmpTypCdCode for the employee type. EXAMPLE 004 is an on-the job employee, 005 is a retired employee, 006 is a deceased employee, 007 is a part-time employee.
7A2Employee Type NameTEXT 600..1EmpTypNmName of the employee type. EXAMPLE Employed, retired, probation, part-time.
8A2Department CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1DepCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for department rosters. EXAMPLE The department name is IT department, the code is 0018. Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
9A2Employee Job TitleTEXT 600..1EmpJobTitleJob title of the person in an accounting unit.EXAMPLE Accounting manager.
10A2Employee Academic DegreeTEXT 600..1EmpAcadDegreeHighest academic degree acquired.EXAMPLE Doctor, Master.
11A2Employment DateDATE0..1EmplmntDtEmployment date of the employee.
12A2Termination DateDATE0..1TerminationDtTermination date of the employee from which the labor contract was no longer valid, or the employee no longer works in this department.
13A2User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDSystem user ID associated with the employee. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.

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Table 4 - BAS USER

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS USER--BasUserContains the user information of accounting and/or ERP system.
2A2User IDIDENTIFIER 251..1UserIdPKUnique identifier for individuals entering transactions into the accounting and/or ERP system.Typically auto-generated by the system.This field is used to join information in this table to other tables based on fields such as Created_User_ID, Last_Modified_User_ID, Approved_User_ID and Posted_User_ID.
3A2User Active StatusBOOLEAN0..1UserActiveStatIndicates whether the status of the user is active or inactive.A user can become inactive due to retirement, dismissal or termination, etc.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.
4A2User Status Modified DateDATE0..1UserStatMdfDtModified date of the user's activation or termination status.
5A2User NameNAME 1000..1UserNmName of the user.
6A2User Job TitleTEXT 1000..1UserJobTitleJob title of the person in the system.EXAMPLE System manager.
7A2Department CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1DepCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for department rosters.EXAMPLE The department name is IT department, the code is 0018.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
8A2User Role ResponsibilityTEXT 1000..1UserRoleRespFree-form description of the individual's functional role or primary responsibility.EXAMPLE Responsibility related to managing the information of AP in the system.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS CUSTOMER TYPE--BasCustTypContains detailed descriptions of the customer type.
2A2Customer Type IDIDENTIFIER 601..1CustTypIdPKUnique identifier for the customer type. Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Customer Type CodeCUSTOMER TYPE CODE0..1CustTypCdCode for the customer type.EXAMPLE 004 is a platinum customer, 005 is a gold customer, 006 is a silver customer. Customer_Type_Code [CustTypCd] and Customer_Type_Name [CustTypNm] are not necessarily related.
4A2Customer Type NameNAME 800..1CustTypNmName of the type categorized by the customer attributes.EXAMPLE Platinum customer, gold customer, silver customer.
5A2Parent Customer Type IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ParCustTypIdBAS CUSTOMER TYPECustomer Type IDUnique identifier for the parent customer type.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Type_ID [CustTypId] in the BAS_Customer_Type [BasCustTyp] table.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS CUSTOMER--BasCustContains essential and generic information of the customers.
2A2Customer Account IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1CustAcntIdPKUnique identifier for the customer. Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Customer Account NumberIDENTIFIER 1000..1CustAcntNrNumber of the customer. This number is either generated by manual input or generated by the system.
4A2Customer Account NameNAME 2000..1CustAcntNmName of the customer.
5A2Customer AbbreviationNAME 1000..1CustAbrvAbbreviation of the customer's name.
6A2Parent Customer IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1ParCustIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the parent customer.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table.
7A2Corresponding Supplier IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CorrSuplIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the corresponding supplier in cases where the customer is also a supplier.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table. Otherwise, set NULL.
8A2Customer Type IDIDENTIFIER 600..1CustTypIdBAS CUSTOMER TYPECustomer Type IDUnique identifier for the customer type.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Type_ID [CustTypId] in the BAS_Customer_Type [BasCustTyp] table.
9A2Customer TINTAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER0..1CustTinCustomer's tax identification number.This number is usually generated by a tax regulator.
10A2Inactive DateDATE0..1InactiveDtDate when the customer was declared inactive.A customer can become inactive due to exceeding their credit limit, legal restrictions, contract termination or bankruptcy.
11A2Transaction Credit LimitAMOUNT0..1TrCrLimitPer invoice credit limit established for this customer.
12A2Total Credit LimitAMOUNT0..1TotCrLimitCredit limit for this customer’s total outstanding balance.
13A2Terms Discount PercentagePERCENTAGE0..1TrmsDscntPercDiscount percentage the customer can take if an invoice is paid before a certain number of days.In the flat file, terms are represented as integers to a decimal place.EXAMPLE 10 % is 0.10.
14A2Terms Discount DaysNUMBER 60..1TrmsDscntDaysNumber of days from the invoice date that the customer has to take advantage of discounted terms.Terms are represented as integers with no decimal places.EXAMPLE 10 days are 10.
15A2Terms Due DaysNUMBER 60..1TrmsDueDaysDefault number of days allowed to meet the obligation before an invoice becomes overdue.
16E2PHYSICAL ADDRESS0..1PhysAdrPhysical address information.
17A3Street Address1TEXT 1000..1StreetAdr1Line 1 of the street address.
18A3Street Address2TEXT 1000..1StreetAdr2Line 2 of the street address.
19A3City NameCITY NAME0..1CityNmCity name of this address.
20A3State Province CodeSTATE PROVINCE CODE0..1StatePrvncCdThe state or province of this address (in accordance with ISO 3166-2).
21A3Postal CodePOSTAL CODE0..1PostalCdZip or postal code of this address.
22A3Country CodeCOUNTRY CODE0..1CntryCdThe country code of this address (in accordance with ISO 3166-1).
23E2BILLING ADDRESS0..1BillAdrBilling address information.
24A3Street Address1TEXT 1000..1StreetAdr1Line 1 of the street address.
25A3Street Address2TEXT 1000..1StreetAdr2Line 2 of the street address.
26A3City NameCITY NAME0..1CityNmCity name of this address.
27A3State Province CodeSTATE PROVINCE CODE0..1StatePrvncCdThe state or province of this address (in accordance with ISO 3166-2).
28A3Postal CodePOSTAL CODE0..1PostalCdZip or postal code of this address.
29A3Country CodeCOUNTRY CODE0..1CntryCdThe country code of this address (in accordance with ISO 3166-1).
30E2PRIMARY CONTACT0..1PrimCntPrimary contact information.
31A3NameNAME 1000..1NmName of the contact.
32A3PhonePHONE NUMBER0..1PhoneThe phone number of the contact.
33A3EmailEMAIL0..1EmailThe email address of the contact.
34E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
35A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
36A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
37A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
38E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
39A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
40A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
41A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
42E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
43A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
44A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
45A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS SUPPLIER TYPE--BasSuplTypContains detailed descriptions of the supplier type.
2A2Supplier Type IDIDENTIFIER 601..1SuplTypIdPKUnique identifier for the supplier type. Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Supplier Type CodeSUPPLIER TYPE CODE0..1SuplTypCdCode for the supplier type.EXAMPLE 004 is preferred suppliers, 005 is key suppliers, 006 is common suppliers.
4A2Supplier Type NameNAME 800..1SuplTypNmName of the type categorized by the supplier attributes.EXAMPLE Preferred supplier, key supplier, common supplier.
5A2Parent Supplier Type IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ParSuplTypIdBAS SUPPLIER TYPESupplier Type IDUnique identifier for the parent supplier type.EXAMPLE Raw material supplier is a parent type of iron supplier.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Type_ID [SuplTypId] in the BAS_Supplier_Type [BasSuplTyp] table.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS SUPPLIER--BasSuplContains essential and generic information of the suppliers.
2A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1SuplAcntIdPKUnique identifier for the supplier to whom payment is due or from whom unused credits have been applied.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Supplier Account NumberIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntNrNumber of the supplier to whom payment is due or from whom unused credits have been applied.This number is usually generated by manual input or is generated by the system.
4A2Supplier Account NameNAME 2000..1SuplAcntNmName of the supplier.
5A2Supplier AbbreviationNAME 1000..1SuplAbrvAbbreviation form of the supplier's name.
6A2Parent Supplier IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1ParSuplIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the parent supplier.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
7A2Corresponding Customer IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CorrCustIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the corresponding customer in cases where the supplier is also a customer.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table. Otherwise, set NULL.
8A2Supplier Type IDIDENTIFIER 600..1SuplTypIdBAS SUPPLIER TYPESupplier Type IDUnique identifier for the supplier type.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Type_ID [SuplTypId] in the BAS_Supplier_Type [BasSuplTyp] table.
9A2Supplier TINTAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER0..1SuplTinSupplier's tax identification number.This number is usually generated by the tax regulator.
10A2Supplier GroupTEXT 1000..1SuplGroupSupplier group assignments when the organization segments the suppliers.
11A2Inactive DateDATE0..1InactiveDtDate when the supplier was declared inactive.A supplier can become inactive due to exceeding their credit limit, legal restrictions, contract termination or bankruptcy.
12A2Transaction Credit LimitAMOUNT0..1TrCrLimitPer invoice credit limit established for this supplier.
13A2Total Credit LimitAMOUNT0..1TotCrLimitCredit limit for the total outstanding balance approved for the supplier.
14A2Terms Discount PercentagePERCENTAGE0..1TrmsDscntPercDiscount percentage the supplier can provide if an invoice is paid before a certain number of days.In the flat file, terms are represented as integers to a decimal place.EXAMPLE 10 % is 0.10.
15A2Terms Discount DaysNUMBER 60..1TrmsDscntDaysNumber of days from the invoice date that the supplier allows the customer to take advantage of discounted terms.Terms are represented as integers with no decimal places.EXAMPLE 10 days is 10.
16A2Terms Due DaysNUMBER 60..1TrmsDueDaysNumber of days allowed to meet the obligation before an invoice becomes overdue.
17E2PHYSICAL ADDRESS0..1PhysAdrPhysical address information.
18A3Street Address1TEXT 1000..1StreetAdr1Line 1 of the street address.
19A3Street Address2TEXT 1000..1StreetAdr2Line 2 of the street address.
20A3City NameCITY NAME0..1CityNmCity name of this address.
21A3State Province CodeSTATE PROVINCE CODE0..1StatePrvncCdThe state or province of this address (in accordance with ISO 3166-2).
22A3Postal CodePOSTAL CODE0..1PostalCdZip or postal code of this address.
23A3Country CodeCOUNTRY CODE0..1CntryCdThe country code of this address (in accordance with ISO 3166-1).
24E2BILLING ADDRESS0..1BillAdrBilling address information.
25A3Street Address1TEXT 1000..1StreetAdr1Line 1 of the street address.
26A3Street Address2TEXT 1000..1StreetAdr2Line 2 of the street address.
27A3City NameCITY NAME0..1CityNmCity name of this address.
28A3State Province CodeSTATE PROVINCE CODE0..1StatePrvncCdThe state or province of this address (in accordance with ISO 3166-2).
29A3Postal CodePOSTAL CODE0..1PostalCdZip or postal code of this address.
30A3Country CodeCOUNTRY CODE0..1CntryCdThe country code of this address (in accordance with ISO 3166-1).
31E2PRIMARY CONTACT0..1PrimCntPrimary contact information.
32A3NameNAME 1000..1NmName of the contact.
33A3PhonePHONE NUMBER0..1PhoneThe phone number of the contact.
34A3EmailEMAIL0..1EmailThe email address of the contact.
35E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
36A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
37A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
38A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
39E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
40A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
41A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
42A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
43E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
44A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
45A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
46A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS CHART OF ACCOUNTS--BasChartOfAcntsContains the information about GL accounts, including name, description, type and hierarchy. This table is level 1. When it is cross-referred by other table(s), consistency shall apply. For example, in this table, the value of GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] is 101, the value of GL_Account_Name [GlAcntNm] is cash, and the value of Balance_Debit_Or_Credit is D. If the value of GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in GL_Tial_Balance table is 101, then the Amount corresponding with cash account (101) must be debit.
2A2GL Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1001..1GlAcntNrPKNumber of the GL account.
3A2GL Account NameTEXT 1000..1GlAcntNmName of the GL account.
4A2GL Account DescriptionTEXT 10000..1GlAcntDscrLabel or description associated with the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr].
5A2FS CaptionTEXT 1000..1FsCaptionFinancial statement caption that represents a related group of accounts.EXAMPLE Cash and cash equivalents, AP, cost of sales.The caption can be at the trial balance level.
6A2Account TypeACCOUNT TYPE0..1AcntTypType of account.EXAMPLE Assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, expenses.
7A2Account SubtypeACCOUNT TYPE0..1AcntSubtypSubtype of the account.EXAMPLE Current assets are the subtype of assets.
8A2Account HierarchyACCOUNT HIERARCHY0..1AcntHrchyCorresponding level for account number in the account hierarchy.EXAMPLE 1 is assets, 2 is the account subtype current assets.
9A2Parent GL Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1ParGlAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the parent account in an account hierarchy.This is provided to allow more than the predefined levels of the hierarchy in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.When Parent_GL_Account_Number [ParGlAcntNr] is the highest level, its value can be set to the default value (e.g. set to NULL).Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
10A2Balance Debit Or Credit CodeCREDIT DEBIT CODE0..1BalDbOrCrCdIndicates whether the natural balance of the account is a debit or credit balance by indicating D or C, where assets and expenses have a natural balance of debit, and liabilities, equity and revenues have a natural balance of credit.
11A2Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1ActiveFlagIndicates whether the GL account is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.
12E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
13A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS ACCOUNTING PERIOD--BasAcntingPerContains information related to the accounting period, including corresponding fiscal year, beginning date and ending date. The table captures the time range within a specific reporting period and year, in which business transactions and entries are accumulated into financial statements and other reports.
2A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER1..1FiscYrPK(1)Fiscal year in which the calendar date occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.
3A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER1..1AcntingPerPK(2)Accounting period in which the calendar date occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.
4A2Accounting Period BEG DateDATE0..1AcntingPerBegDtCalendar beginning date of the current accounting period.
5A2Accounting Period Ending DateDATE0..1AcntingPerEndDtCalendar ending date of the current accounting period.

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1E1BAS JOURNAL ENTRY TYPE--BasJrnEntryTypContains information relevant to the GL journal entry type (e.g. cash receipts, cash disbursements).
2A2JE Type CodeIDENTIFIER 601..1JeTypCdPKCode for the journal entry type.EXAMPLE 004 is a cash receipt entry, 005 is a cash disbursement entry, 006 is a non-cash entry.
3A2JE Type NameTEXT 600..1JeTypNmName of the journal entry type.This is usually categorized by business to satisfy an internal control need and/or to facilitate sorting and querying.EXAMPLE Journal entries can be classified based on whether the transaction involves cash. In this case, there can be a cash receipt entry, cash disbursement entry and non-cash entry of adjusting that is the recording of interest revenue earned and wages payable, estimation that is the recording depreciation, and bad-debt expenses, and/or correction that makes entries to counteract the effects of errors found in the GL.
4A2JE Type AbbreviationTEXT 300..1JeTypAbrvAbbreviation of the journal entry type.
5A2Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1ActiveFlagIndicates whether the JE type is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.

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Table 12 - BAS BILL TYPE

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS BILL TYPE--BasBillTypThe information of the bill type (e.g. bank draft, commercial draft, promissory note, check). Bills are frequently used in the business cycle of sales and purchase, as evidence of debt, payment and/or settlement instrument.
2A2Bill Type CodeIDENTIFIER 601..1BillTypCdPKCode for the bill type.EXAMPLE 004 is bank draft, 005 is promissory note, 006 is check.
3A2Bill Type NameTEXT 600..1BillTypNmName of the bill type.EXAMPLE Bank draft, commercial draft, promissory note and check.
4A2Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1ActiveFlagIndicates whether the bill type is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS SETTLEMENT METHOD--BasSetlMthdContains information on methods used to settle transactions. Businesses can adopt various methods to settle transactions and transfer money, especially in sales and purchase activities. Typical settlement methods include cash settlements, issuing bills, using credit cards, bank remittances and bank collections.
2A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 601..1SetlMthdCdPKCode for the settlement method.Various methods can be used to settle transactions and transfer money.EXAMPLE 001 for cash, 002 for bills, 003 for credit card, 004 for remittance, 005 for bank collection.
3A2Settlement Method NameTEXT 600..1SetlMthdNmName of the settlement method.EXAMPLE Cash settlement, issuing bills, credit card, bank remittance, bank collection.
4A2Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1ActiveFlagIndicates whether the settlement method is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS CURRENCY--BasCurContains the information of the currency.
2A2Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE1..1CurCdPKCode for the currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).
3A2Currency NameTEXT 300..1CurNmName of the currency in the accounting and/or ERP system.
4A2Minor UnitUNIT0..1MinorUnitUnit of recorded value that is a division of the respective unit of currency.Minor unit shows the decimal relationship between such a unit and the currency itself (in accordance with ISO 4217). Number 0 means that there is no minor unit for that currency. Numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. signify a ratio of 10:1, 100:1, 1 000:1, etc., respectively.EXAMPLE The US cent is a one hundredth part of the US dollar. The GB penny is a one hundredth part of the pound sterling. The minor unit number for both is 2.
5A2Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1ActiveFlagIndicates whether Currency_Code [CurCd] is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS MEASUREMENT UNIT--BasMeaUnitContains information of the measurement unit (UOM) used in the modules of GL, SAL, PUR, INV and PPE.
2A2UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE1..1UomCdPKCode of the measurement unit.
3A2UOM NameTEXT 800..1UomNmName of the measurement unit for measuring the quantity of the material, etc.
4A2UOM AbbreviationTEXT 400..1UomAbrvAbbreviation of the measurement unit's name.EXAMPLE Kilogram is kg, square metre is sq.m.
5A2Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1ActiveFlagIndicates whether the UOM_Code [UomCd] is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS PAYMENT TERM--BasPayTermContains the details of the payment term, which is applied and referenced in the PUR and SAL modules. The payment term refers to the condition of a sale/purchase agreement and is related to how the customer will pay (type of credit instrument), and especially how much time is allowed for payment (credit period) and discount (cash discount and discount period).
2A2Payment Term CodePAYMENT TERM CODE1..1PayTermCdPKCode for the payment term.EXAMPLE Terms of 2/10, net 60 are quoted. This means that customers have 60 days from the invoice date to pay the full amount. However, if payment is made within 10 days, a 2 % cash discount can be taken.
3A2Payment Term NameTEXT 2000..1PayTermNmThe full name of the payment term.
4A2Payment Term Line NumberTEXT 100..1PayTermLnNrNumber of the lines according to the Payment_Term_Code [PayTermCd] value.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
5A2Payment Term Line DescriptionTEXT 10000..1PayTermLnDscrDetailed description of the payment term's line.EXAMPLE Payment due date, discount days, discount percentage.
6A2Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1ActiveFlagIndicates whether the payment term is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.

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Table 17 - BAS PROJECT

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS PROJECT--BasProjContains the detailed information related to the project (e.g. construction project, government or business-funded research project). Projects are commonly administrated separately and could be subject to being audit in accordance with regulatory and/or managerial requirements. The audit of a project is a thorough examination of the management, execution, methodology, procedures, records, budgets, expenditures, and the degree of completion. It is referenced in several modules including GL, AR, AP and INV.
2A2Project IDIDENTIFIER 601..1ProjIdPKUnique identifier for the project.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Project CodeTEXT 800..1ProjCdCode of the project.
4A2Project NameTEXT 800..1ProjNmName of the project related to operation and administration.
5A2Project Beginning DateDATE0..1ProjBegDtBeginning date of the project.
6A2Project Ending DateDATE0..1ProjEndDtEnding date of the project.
7A2Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1ActiveFlagIndicates whether the project is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.
8E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
9A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS BANK ACCOUNT--BasBankAcntContains the details of a bank account.
2A2Bank Account NumberIDENTIFIER 601..1BankAcntNrPKNumber of the account opened in an institution (e.g. bank, financial institution, settlement centre).ISO 13616-2 is recommended if applicable.
3A2Bank Account NameTEXT 1280..1BankAcntNmName of the account opened in an institution (e.g. bank, financial institution, settlement centre).
4A2Bank CodeBANK CODE0..1BankCdCode for the financial institution (in accordance with ISO 9362 or ISO 17442).ISO 17442 is preferred. One reason is that the bank branch identifier will not change due to location movement.
5A2Bank NameTEXT 2000..1BankNmFull name of the institution (e.g. bank, financial institution, settlement centre).
6A2Branch CodeBRANCH CODE0..1BraCdCode for the institution's branch.
7A2Branch NameTEXT 2000..1BraNmFull name of the institution's branch.
8A2Branch Country CodeCOUNTRY CODE0..1BraCntryCdCountry code where the branch is physically located (in accordance with ISO 3166-1).
9A2Branch RegionTEXT 250..1BraRegionSub-region within a country.EXAMPLE A state in the US, a province in Canada.
10A2Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1ActiveFlagIndicates whether the bank account is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.
11E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
12A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS TAX REGULATORY--BasTaxRgltryContains regulatory information related to taxes, including regulator country, region, name and role.
2A2Regulator CodeREGULATOR CODE1..1RgltrCdPKCode of the regulator or jurisdiction.
3A2Regulator Country CodeCOUNTRY CODE0..1RgltrCntryCdCountry code where the regulator is located (in accordance with ISO 3166-1).
4A2Regulator RegionREGION0..1RgltrRegionSub-region within a country.EXAMPLE A state in the US, a province in Canada.
5A2Regulator NameTEXT 1000..1RgltrNmName of the regulator for which tax is withheld or accrued.
6A2Regulator RoleTEXT 200..1RgltrRoleRole of the regulator, whether federal, regional or local.
7A2Regulator Payable Account NUMIDENTIFIER 1000..1RgltrPblAcntNumBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberGL account used to reflect the amounts payable to the regulator.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
8A2Regulator Accrual Account NUMIDENTIFIER 1000..1RgltrAccrlAcntNumBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberGL account used to reflect the accruals due to the regulator.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
9A2Regulator Expense Account NUMIDENTIFIER 1000..1RgltrExpnsAcntNumBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberGL account used to reflect the expenses related to the regulator.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
10A2Regulator IDIDENTIFIER 250..1RgltrIdID assigned/generated by the regulator for the reporting organization to the regulator.
11A2Regulator Reporting ORGIDENTIFIER 800..1RgltrRprtOrgBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for the reporting organization.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
12A2Regulator Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1RgltrActiveFlagIndicates whether the Regulator_Code [RgltrCd] is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.
13E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
14A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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Table 20 - BAS TAX TYPE

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS TAX TYPE--BasTaxTypContains detailed information on tax types used by the business. The tables in AR, SAL, AP and PUR modules contain 4 tax types, which can meet the requirements in most cases of the business. Tax types could be tax in country level, state level, county level or in local level, or could be tax related to a transaction (e.g. sales tax, value added tax, tariff).
2A2Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE1..1TaxTypCdPKCode used to refer to this tax type, used as a key or cross-reference in files.EXAMPLE 004 is the income tax, 005 is the tariff, 006 is the value added tax.
3A2Tax NameTEXT 1000..1TaxNmName of the tax type.EXAMPLE Income tax, tariff, value added tax.
4A2Regulator CodeREGULATOR CODE0..1RgltrCdBAS TAX REGULATORYRegulator CodeCode for the regulator for this tax.Shall match the Regulator_Code [RgltrCd] in the BAS_Tax_Regulatory [BasTaxRgltry] table.
5A2Tax Type DescriptionTEXT 1000..1TaxTypDscrDescription of the tax type.
6A2Tax Code DescriptionTEXT 10000..1TaxCdDscrDescription of the tax code, which is a sub-division of the tax type.EXAMPLE Lower percentage applicable for common goods.
7A2Tax PercentagePERCENTAGE110..1TaxPercDefault percentage for this combination of tax type and tax code.Can use the Extracted_Date [ExtractedDt] from the BAS_Profile [BasProfile] table.
8E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
9A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS CUSTOMIZED ACC SEGMENT--BasCstmzdAccSgAn Account Segment is a customized file item, which includes the information of the customized account segments that are not fixed account segments and no other table contains their description information (e.g. region type). This table is used together with the BAS_Customized_ACC_Value [BasCstmzdAccValue].
2A2Customized ACC Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 601..1CstmzdAccSgCdPKCode for the customized account segment that audit data need to be used.This does not include the fixed account segment having been identified.EXAMPLE Unlike customer, budget information is not included in the BAS module as an individual table, therefore budget can be identified as a customized account segment.
3A2Customized ACC Segment NameTEXT 2000..1CstmzdAccSgNmCustomized account segment name that audit data need to be used.EXAMPLE Budget records, planned revenue, expenditure.
4A2Customized ACC DescriptionTEXT 10000..1CstmzdAccDscrCustomized account segment description that audit data need to be used.EXAMPLE Budget can be described as the annual plan of aggregated fiscal revenue and expenditure for a state, which is verified and approved through legal procedures.
5A2Customized ACC Encoding RuleFILE ENCODING RULE CODE0..1CstmzdAccEncRuleEncoding rules of the value of a customized account segment.If the encoding rule has a hierarchy feature, each level is separated by "-".EXAMPLE Budget (with a 1-digit code, e.g. 1) can be subdivided into financial budget (with a 2-digit code, e.g. 01) and construction budget (with a 2-digit code, e.g. 05), with the financial budget containing budgeted revenue (with a 2-digit code, e.g. 03) and budgeted expenditure (with a 2-digit code, e.g. 04), which are the third-level segments. In this case, the Customized_ACC_Encoding_Rule [CstmzdAccEncRule] is 1-2-2.
6A2Hierarchy FlagBOOLEAN0..1HrchyFlagWhether or not the table value has a hierarchy feature.EXAMPLE 1 is yes, 0 is no.
7A2Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1ActiveFlagIndicates whether the Customized_ACC_Segment_Code [CstmzdAccSgCd] is active or inactive.EXAMPLE 1 is active, 0 is inactive.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS CUSTOMIZED ACC VALUE--BasCstmzdAccValueContains the information from the customized account segment value.
2A2Customized ACC Value CodeIDENTIFIER 601..1CstmzdAccValueCdPKCode for the customized account segment value.If the Customized_ACC_Encoding_Rule [CstmzdAccEncRule] is 1-2-2, the corresponding budget-financial budget-budgeted expenditure is 10104.
3A2Customized ACC Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1CstmzdAccSgCdBAS CUSTOMIZED ACC SEGMENTCustomized ACC Segment CodeAssociated with the BAS_Customized_ACC_Segment [BasCstmzdAccSg] table.Shall match the Customized_ACC_Segment_Code [CstmzdAccSgCd] in the BAS_Customized_ACC_Segment [BasCstmzdAccSg] table.
4A2Customized ACC Value NameTEXT 2000..1CstmzdAccValueNmName of the account segment value of each file.EXAMPLE Budget-financial budget-budgeted expenditure.
5A2ACC Value DescriptionTEXT 10000..1AccValueDscrDetailed description of the account segment value.
6A2Parent ACC Value CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1ParAccValueCdBAS CUSTOMIZED ACC VALUECustomized ACC Value CodeCode for the parent customized account segment value.Shall match the Customized_ACC_Value_Code [CstmzdAccValueCd] in the BAS_Customized_ACC_Value [BasCstmzdAccValue] table.
7A2Customized ACC Value HierarchyHIERARCHY LEVEL0..1CstmzdAccValueHrchyLevel of the current value in the file structure.EXAMPLE 1 is the highest.

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Table 23 - BAS PROFILE

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1BAS PROFILE--BasProfileContains industry and software version information. This table contains information related to the profile of the data being collected. For example, when we extract the financial data of 2016 from an auditee using SAP XXX ERP System in 2017.1.16, there should be a record with the Profile_Name [ProfileNm] "XXX_2016", Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] "2016", Developer_Name [DvlprNm] "SAP", Software_Name [SftwNm] "SAP_S/4", Software_Version [SftwVers] "2.0", Functional_Currency "CNY", Standard_Version [StdVers] "ISO 21378", Extracted_Date [ExtractedDt] "2017-01-16".
2A2Profile NumberIDENTIFIER 51..1ProfileNrNumber of the current data collection.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
3A2Profile NameTEXT 300..1ProfileNmName of the current data collection.
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrFiscal year in which the calendar date occurs.The date shall be shown as YYYY-MM-DD in the extended format. The YYYY indicates a four-digit year (in accordance with ISO 8601-1).
5A2Accounting EntityTEXT 600..1AcntingEntityLegal name of an accounting entity.
6A2IndustryTEXT 200..1IndustryCorresponding industry name under a superior sector code.
7A2Developer NameNAME 2000..1DvlprNmName of accounting and/or ERP system software developer.
8A2Software NameTEXT 2000..1SftwNmName of accounting and/or ERP system software products.
9A2Software VersionTEXT 200..1SftwVersAccounting and/or ERP system software version.
10A2Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdFunctional or group currency used in accounting and/or ERP system software (in accordance with ISO 4217).
11A2Standard VersionTEXT 300..1StdVersStandard issuing number of the standard(s) with which the current output files are consistent.EXAMPLE ISO 21378.
12A2Extracted DateDATE0..1ExtractedDtDate of the data extraction.
13A2Time ZoneTIME ZONE0..1TmZoneIndicates the difference between the local time and UTC of a day.The representation of the difference can be expressed in hours and minutes, or hours only. The Time_Zone [TmZone] shall be shown as ±hh:mm in the extended format (in accordance with ISO 8601-1).EXAMPLE Newfoundland's time zone is -03:30, Beijing's time zone is +08:00.
14E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
15A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1GL TRIAL BALANCE--GlTrialBalContains all the ledger account balance information of the ADCS. The GL_Trial_Balance [GlTrialBal] file shall contain the ending balances at a point in time. The GL_Trial_Balance [GlTrialBal] should be extracted at the same time as the GL_Details [GlDtls] to prevent differences in transactions and balances.
2A2GL Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1001..1GlAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account. This number is often generated by the system.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] used in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
3A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER1..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Balance_As_Of_Date [BalAsOfDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1. Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
4A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER1..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Balance_As_Of_Date [BalAsOfDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Balance As Of DateDATE0..1BalAsOfDtDate through which the provided balance reflects account activity.EXAMPLE If a report is run for activity through 2014-12-31 on 2015-01-22, the date recorded will be 2014-12-31.
6E2CURRENCY0..1CurCurrency information.
7A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
8A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
9A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
10A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
11E2BALANCE BEGINNING AMOUNT0..1BalBegAmtThe beginning balance amount.
12A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
13A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
14A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
15A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
16E2BALANCE ENDING AMOUNT0..1BalEndAmtThe ending balance amount.
17A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
18A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
19A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
20A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
21E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
22A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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Table 25 - GL DETAILS

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1GL DETAILS--GlDtlsContains all of the journal entry details for each transaction (e.g. associated journal entry ID, associated account number, debits or credits associated with the journal entry line). This table should be at the journal entry line level.
2A2Journal IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1JrnIdPKUnique identifier for each journal entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Journal NumberIDENTIFIER 1000..1JrnNrNumber of the journal entry (e.g. including serial number, document type, date).
4A2GL Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] used in the AS_Chart_Of_Accounts table.
5A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Effective_Date [EffectiveDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Effective_Date [EffectiveDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date. Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
7A2Effective DateDATE0..1EffectiveDtDate of the journal entry, no matter when the entry is received or created.This sometimes refers to the accounting date or accounting effective date.EXAMPLE If the user wants to see the financial results for the period ending March 5, 20XX, the journal entry may be created on any day during the open period and be assigned to the period ending March 5, 20XX.
8A2Journal Line NumberTEXT 1000..1JrnLnNrNumber of the line within a journal entry.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
9A2JE Type CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1JeTypCdBAS JOURNAL ENTRY TYPEJE Type CodeCode for the journal entry type.Shall match the JE_Type_Code [JeTypCd] in the BAS_Journal_Entry_Type [BasJrnEntryTyp] table.
10A2JE Header DescriptionTEXT 10000..1JeHdrDscrDescription of the entire journal entry as described by the journal entry header.
11A2JE Line DescriptionTEXT 10000..1JeLnDscrDescription of the individual line within the journal entry.
12A2Source CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1SrcCdGL SOURCESource CodeCode for the source from which the journal entry originated.EXAMPLE Sales journal, cash receipts journal, general journal, payroll journal, accountant manual entry, spreadsheet.Shall match the Source_Code [SrcCd] in the GL_Source [GlSrc] table.
13A2Bill NumberTEXT 1000..1BillNrNumber of the bill.A bill usually includes bank drafts, promissory notes and checks. A bill may be issued by the drawer who agreed upon themselves or entrusts the drawee at sight. A specified date to the payee or bearer unconditionally pays a certain amount of securities.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
14A2Bill Type CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1BillTypCdBAS BILL TYPEBill Type CodeType of bill.EXAMPLE Bank drafts, promissory notes, checks.Shall match the Bill_Type_Code [BillTypCd] in the BAS_Bill_Type [BasBillTyp] table.
15A2Bill DateDATE0..1BillDtDate of the bill.
16A2QuantityQUANTITY0..1QtQuantity of items referenced in the journal entry line.When the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] is for inventories or fixed assets, this field is effective. If not, this field is NULL.
17A2UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1UomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the physical measurement scale for the inventory and PPE referred to as a "unit of measurement (UOM)".Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
18A2Unit PriceAMOUNT80..1UnitPricePer unit price of the inventory or PPE.This field is associated with Quantity and Amount.EXAMPLE If the account is inventory or PPE, Quantity can be multiplied by Unit_Price [UnitPrice] to get total line Amount.
19A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdBAS SETTLEMENT METHODSettlement Method CodeCode value or indicator of the settlement method used for cash receipt from customers (i.e. sales) and cash payment to suppliers (i.e. purchase).EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash.Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
20A2Credit Debit IndicatorCREDIT DEBIT CODE0..1CrDbIndIndicates whether the amount is a credit or a debit.EXAMPLE C is credit, D is debit.
21A2Reversal IndicatorREVERSAL INDICATOR CODE0..1RevIndIndicates whether this entry is a reversal or to be reversed.EXAMPLE 1 is the entry is a reversal, 2 is the entry is being reversed, an empty (" ") is none of the above or system-generated indicators.
22A2Reversal Journal IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1RevJrnIdWhen the Reversal_Indicator [RevInd] = 1, this field identifies the Journal_ID [JrnId] of the entry being reversed.
23A2Cancellation SignBOOLEAN0..1CnclSignSign of cancellation of a journal entry already formed but not yet posted.EXAMPLE 0 is entry is not cancelled, 1 is entry is cancelled.
24A2Account Segment EmployeeIDENTIFIER 600..1AcntSgEmpBAS EMPLOYEEEmployee IDFixed account segment, recording information related to an employee (e.g. loan to corporate officers).The value stored in this field stored is Employee_ID [EmpId].Shall match the Employee_ID [EmpId] in the BAS_Employee [BasEmp] table through GL_Account_Segment [GlAcntSg].
25A2Account Segment ProjectIDENTIFIER 600..1AcntSgProjBAS PROJECTProject IDFixed account segment, recording information related to a project.EXAMPLE Construction projects that require separate accounting.The value of this field stored is Project_ID [ProjId].Shall match the Project_ID [ProjId] in the BAS_Project [BasProj] table through GL_Account_Segment [GlAcntSg].
26A2Account Segment Bank AccountIDENTIFIER 600..1AcntSgBankAcntBAS BANK ACCOUNTBank Account NumberFixed account segment, recording information related to bank accounts.The value of this field stored is Bank_Account_Number [BankAcntNr]. More information about a certain bank account can be obtained from the BAS_Bank_Account [BasBankAcnt] table.Shall match the Bank_Account_Number [BankAcntNr] in the BAS_Bank_Account [BasBankAcnt] table through GL_Account_Segment [GlAcntSg].
27E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
28A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
29A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
30A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
31A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
32A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
33A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
34A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
35A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
36E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
37A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
38A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
39A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
40E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
41A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
42A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
43E2POSTED0..1PostedInformation about the data that was posted.
44A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
45E2ACCOUNT SEGMENT0..nAcntSgContains associated Account Segment information.
46A3Account Segment NumberTEXT 600..1AcntSgNrSequence number of the associated Account Segment. Must match Account_Segment_Number [AcntSgNr] in GL_Account_Segment [GlAcntSg] in relation to the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] concerned.
47A3Account Segment CodeTEXT 600..1AcntSgCdAccount Segment Code.
48E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
49A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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Table 26 - GL SOURCE

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1GL SOURCE--GlSrcContains additional information about the sources provided in the GL_Details [GlDtls] table. Each source shall include a description of the ERP system or accounting package, from which the data is extracted, and information related to the business process the data represents.
2A2Source CodeIDENTIFIER 251..1SrcCdPKCode for the posting source (code for the source from which the journal entry originated).EXAMPLE Sales journal, cash receipts journal, general journal, payroll journal, accountant manual entry, spreadsheet.The code shall be a unique indicator for the underlying source.
3A2Source DescriptionTEXT 10000..1SrcDscrDescription of the source system.
4A2ERP Subledger ModuleTEXT 1000..1ErpSbldgrModDescription of the subledger or ERP module from which the journal entry originated.This should tie back to a system or significant accounting process. In some instances, it can be represented by the source system.
5A2System Manual IdentifierSYSTEM MANUAL IDENTIFIER0..1SystManualIdIndicates whether the journal entry is system-generated or manually-entered.EXAMPLE S is system-generated, M is manually-entered.
6A2Business Process MajorTEXT 1000..1BusProcMajorMajor class of transaction associated with a business process.EXAMPLE Sales.
7A2Business Process MinorTEXT 1000..1BusProcMinorSub-process of a major business process.EXAMPLE Orders, returns, discounts.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1GL ACCOUNT SEGMENT--GlAcntSgContains the code and name for the account segment, as well as the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] to which the account segment is related. Account Segment provides additional information for particular GL_Accounts (e.g. the AR contains the information regarding supplier, customer, employee, and project). Such information would be treated as an Account Segment below A/R, thus resulting in a lengthy account structure. The Account Segment structure is therefore defined as a set to record related information, which efficiently stops account names and numbers from becoming too long and too complex. Account Segment is more flexible to capture the complicated information.Some of the most frequently used account segments (e.g. project, employee, bank account) are defined as fixed fields in tables, such as GL_Details [GlDtls]. These segments are called "fixed account segments" in the document. Fixed account segments and other customized account segments are covered in this table.
2A2GL Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1001..1GlAcntNrPKBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account. This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] used in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
3A2Account Segment NumberTEXT 601..1AcntSgNrNumber of the Account_Segment.Case 1: If the value of this field is 0, the record is used to explain a fixed account segment that is distinguished by the Account_Segment_Name [AcntSgNm] of the record.Case 2: If the value of this field is 5, the record is used to explain the No.5 field of Account_Segment_X, named Account_Segment_5 in the tables, such as GL_Details [GlDtls].This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
4A2Account Segment NameIDENTIFIER 2001..1AcntSgNmPKName of the Account_Segment.Case 1: If the value of the Account_Segment_Number [AcntSgNr] of the record is 0, the field contains the name of a fixed account segment, such as Account_Segment_Employee [AcntSgEmp].Case 2: If the value of the Account_Segment_Number [AcntSgNr] of the record is 5, the field value should be the name of a customized account segment, such as welfare expenditure.
5A2Corresponding FileTEXT 2000..1CorrFileTable corresponding to the account segment. Case 1: If the value of the Account_Segment_Number [AcntSgNr] of the record is 0, the field contains the table name corresponding to the fixed account segment, such as BAS_Employee [BasEmp] for Account_Segment_Employee [AcntSgEmp].Case 2: If the value of the Account_Segment_Number [AcntSgNr] is larger than 0, and no other table besides BAS_Customized_ACC_Segment [BasCstmzdAccSg] contains the basic information of the customized account segment, the field value should be BAS_Customized_ACC_Segment [BasCstmzdAccSg].Case 3: If the value of the Account_Segment_Number [AcntSgNr] is larger than 0, and there is a table containing the basic information of the customized account segment, the field value should be the table's name, such as BAS_Customer [BasCust].
6A2Account Segment DescriptionTEXT 10000..1AcntSgDscrDetailed description of the Account_Segment_Name [AcntSgNm].
7A2Customized ACC Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1CstmzdAccSgCdBAS CUSTOMIZED ACC SEGMENTCustomized ACC Segment CodeCode for the customized account segment.Shall match the Customized_ACC_Segment_Code [CstmzdAccSgCd] in the BAS_Customized_ACC_Segment [BasCstmzdAccSg] table.

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1GL ACCOUNT PERIOD BALANCE--GlAcntPerBalContains the cumulative total and balance of accounts in each accounting period, facilitating the calculation of beginning, ending balance, duration amounts and quantity, thus reflecting information and changes in GL more intuitively. In this table, the quantity can serve different regulatory and managerial purposes. For example, subledgers of inventory and PPE may not be covered in some auditees' systems. In this case, we can record the cumulative total and balance of quantity of inventory or PPE in this table. This is a well-established practice in some countries, like France and China. Countries can choose to use GL_Trial_Balance [GlTrialBal] or GL_Accounts_Period_Balance [GlAcntPerBal] or both, depending on their customary practice, regulatory and managerial requirements.
2A2GL Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1001..1GlAcntNrPK(1)BAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] used in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
3A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER1..1FiscYrPK(2)BAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Effective_Date [EffectiveDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
4A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER1..1AcntingPerPK(3)REFENT=BAS ACCOUNTING PERIODBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the financial statement occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Debit QuantityQUANTITY0..1DbQtQuantity information associated with the debiting inventory or PPE.
6A2Credit QuantityQUANTITY0..1CrQtQuantity information associated with the crediting inventory or PPE.
7A2Beginning QuantityQUANTITY0..1BegQtBeginning quantity of the inventory or PPE account.
8A2Ending QuantityQUANTITY0..1EndQtEnding quantity of the inventory or PPE account.
9A2UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1UomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the physical measurement scale for the inventory and PPE.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
10A2Beginning Balance IndicatorCREDIT DEBIT CODE0..1BegBalIndBeginning balance direction for the account, which indicates whether the beginning balance is debit or credit.EXAMPLE C is credit, D is debit.
11A2Ending Balance IndicatorCREDIT DEBIT CODE0..1EndBalIndEnding balance direction for the account, which indicates whether the ending balance is debit or credit.EXAMPLE C is credit, D is debit.
12A2Account Segment EmployeeIDENTIFIER 600..1AcntSgEmpBAS EMPLOYEEEmployee IDFixed account segment, recording information related to an employee (e.g. loan to corporate officers).The value stored in this field stored is Employee_ID [EmpId].Shall match the Employee_ID [EmpId] in the BAS_Employee [BasEmp] table through GL_Account_Segment [GlAcntSg].
13A2Account Segment ProjectIDENTIFIER 600..1AcntSgProjBAS PROJECTProject IDFixed account segment, recording information related to a project.EXAMPLE Construction projects that require separate accounting.The value of this field stored is Project_ID [ProjId].Shall match the Project_ID [ProjId] in the BAS_Project [BasProj] table through GL_Account_Segment [GlAcntSg].
14A2Account Segment Bank AccountIDENTIFIER 600..1AcntSgBankAcntBAS BANK ACCOUNTBank Account NumberFixed account segment, recording information related to bank accounts.The value of this field stored is Bank_Account_Number [BankAcntNr]. More information about a certain bank account can be obtained from the BAS_Bank_Account [BasBankAcnt] table.Shall match the Bank_Account_Number [BankAcntNr] in the BAS_Bank_Account [BasBankAcnt] table through GL_Account_Segment [GlAcntSg].
15E2DEBIT AMOUNT0..1DbAmtThe accumulative debit total during particular accounting period.
16A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
17A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
18A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
19A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
20E2CREDIT AMOUNT0..1CrAmtThe accumulative credit total during particular accounting period.
21A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
22A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
23A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
24A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
25E2BALANCE BEGINNING AMOUNT0..1BalBegAmtThe beginning balance amount.
26A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
27A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
28A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
29A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
30E2BALANCE ENDING AMOUNT0..1BalEndAmtThe ending balance amount.
31A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
32A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
33A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
34A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
35E2CURRENCY0..1CurCurrency information.
36A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
37A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
38A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
39A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
40E2ACCOUNT SEGMENT0..nAcntSgContains associated Account Segment information.
41A3Account Segment NumberTEXT 600..1AcntSgNrSequence number of the associated Account Segment. Must match Account_Segment_Number [AcntSgNr] in GL_Account_Segment [GlAcntSg] in relation to the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] concerned.
42A3Account Segment CodeTEXT 600..1AcntSgCdAccount Segment Code.
43E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
44A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1AR OPEN ACCOUNT RECEIVABLE--ArOpnAcntRcvblContains details regarding all open, unpaid or unresolved customer transactions as of a specified date. Each row in this table represents the balance expected from the customer for one uniquely identifiable transaction. This data should be at the summary level (by invoice), not at the detailed level (by invoice line item). The sum total of the transaction amounts as of the specified date shall reconcile to the total AR amount in the GL as of the same date.
2A2Transaction IDIDENTIFIER 601..1TrIdPKUnique identifier for the transaction of an open AR that includes invoice and cash received.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvoiIdSAL INVOICE GENERATEDInvoice IDUnique identifier for the invoice, from which AR is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if the adjustment is at the customer (not invoice) level. Otherwise shall match the Invoice_ID [InvoiId] in the SAL_Invoices_Generated [SalInvoiGen] table.
4A2Customer Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CustAcntIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the customer from whom payment is expected or to whom unused credits have been applied.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table.
5A2Sales Contract IDIDENTIFIER 600..1SalContrIdSAL CONTRACTContract IDUnique identifier for the sales contract from which AR is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no transaction related to Sales_Contract_ID [SalContrId]. Otherwise shall match the Sales_Contract_ID [SalContrId] in the SAL_Contracts [SalContr] table.
6A2Project IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ProjIdUnique identifier for the project, from which AR is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if no transaction is related to Project_ID [ProjId]. Otherwise shall match the Project_ID [ProjId] in the BAS_Project [BasProj] table.
7A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Transaction_Date [TrDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
8A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Transaction_Date [TrDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
9A2Transaction DateDATE0..1TrDtDate of the transaction, regardless of the date when the transaction is created.This is the date from which the due date is calculated based on the invoice terms.
10A2Journal IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1JrnIdGL DETAILSJournal IDUnique identifier for journal entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Journal_ID [JrnId] in the GL_Details [GlDtls] table.
11A2Transaction Due DateDATE0..1TrDueDtDate when the payment is due from the customer.Not all transactions will have a due date. May be set to NULL if there is no due date (e.g. for credit memos). Aging of a receivable is usually calculated based on this date.
12A2Reference NumberTEXT 1000..1RefNrNumber of an internally or externally generated transaction.EXAMPLE Check number, wire transfer number, original document ID.
13A2Reference DateDATE0..1RefDtDate on an internally or externally generated transaction.EXAMPLE Check date, wire transfer date.
14A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
15A2Grouping CodeTEXT 1000..1GrpCdCode for grouping related items for different purposes.
16E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
17A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
18A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
19A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
20A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
21A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
22A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
23A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
24A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
25E2BALANCE AMOUNT0..1BalAmtBalance monetary amounts recorded in their currency. The balance here refers to the remaining balance unpaid or needing settlement, which can be calculated by analyzing net of the originating invoice and any payment made and adjustments against it.
26A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
27A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
28A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
29A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
30E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
31A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1AR CASH RECEIVED--ArCashRcvdContains information on all payment transactions received during the period. Cash means any type of receipt received including checks, wire transfers and cash.
2A2Receipt IDIDENTIFIER 601..1RcptIdPKUnique identifier for the transaction of cash received.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Receipt NumberTEXT 1000..1RcptNrNumber of the cash received, from which AR is derived.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
4A2Customer Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CustAcntIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the customer from whom payment is received or to whom credits have been applied.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table.
5A2Sales Contract IDIDENTIFIER 600..1SalContrIdSAL CONTRACTContract IDUnique identifier for the sales contract from which AR is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no transaction related to Sales_Contract_ID [SalContrId].Otherwise shall match the Sales_Contract_ID [SalContrId] in the SAL_Contracts [SalContr] table.
6A2Project IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ProjIdBAS PROJECTProject IDUnique identifier for the project, from which AR is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if no transaction is related to Project_ID [ProjId]. Otherwise shall match the Project_ID [ProjId] in the BAS_Project [BasProj] table.
7A2Journal IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1JrnIdGL DETAILSJournal IDUnique identifier for journal entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Journal_ID [JrnId] in the GL_Details [GlDtls] table.
8A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Receipt_Date [RcptDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
9A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Receipt_Date [RcptDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
10A2Receipt DateDATE0..1RcptDtReceipt date of the account receivable by the customer.EXAMPLE The received date of a check, wire transfer and cash.
11A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdBAS SETTLEMENT METHODSettlement Method CodeCode value or indicator for the method by which the transaction debit or credit amount was extinguished or apportioned to the debt by the customer.EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash.Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
12A2Reference NumberTEXT 1000..1RefNrNumber of an internally or externally generated transaction.EXAMPLE Check number, wire transfer number, original document ID.
13A2Reference DateDATE0..1RefDtDate on an internally or externally generated transaction.EXAMPLE Check date, wire transfer date.
14A2Amount Credit Debit IndicatorCREDIT DEBIT CODE0..1AmtCrDbIndIndicates whether the amount is a credit or a debit.EXAMPLE C is credit, D is debit.
15A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
16A2GL Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
17A2GL Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
18E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
19A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
20A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
21A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
22A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
23A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
24A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
25A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
26A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
27E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
28A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
29A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
30A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
31E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
32A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
33A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
34A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
35E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
36A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
37A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
38A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
39E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
40A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1AR CASH APPLICATION--ArCashAplContains information of all cash receipts applied against the invoice during the period under review. The file will record each application of cash receipt to an invoice. For example, if a cash receipt was applied to three invoices, there will be three records for that receipt, one for each of the invoices to which the cash was applied. In the context of this process, cash means any type of receipt received including checks and wire transfers and cash.
2A2AR Application IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1ArAplIdPKUnique identifier for the application of cash from a receipt to each invoice.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the AR_Application_Date [ArAplDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
4A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the AR_Application_Date [ArAplDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2AR Application DateDATE0..1ArAplDtDate of the cash application transaction, regardless of the date when the transaction was created.
6A2Customer Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CustAcntIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the customer from whom payment is expected or to whom unused credits have been applied.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table.
7A2Receipt IDIDENTIFIER 600..1RcptIdAR CASH RECEIVEDReceipt IDUnique identifier for the transactional document, from which AR is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Receipt_ID [RcptId] in the AR_Cash_Received [ArCashRcvd] table.
8A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvoiIdSAL INVOICE GENERATEDInvoice IDUnique identifier for the invoice, from which AR is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if the adjustment is at the customer (not invoice) level. Otherwise shall match the Invoice_ID [InvoiId] in the SAL_Invoices_Generated [SalInvoiGen] table.
9A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdBAS SETTLEMENT METHODSettlement Method CodeCode for the settlement method.Various methods can be used to settle transactions and transfer money.EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash. Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
10A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
11A2GL Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
12A2GL Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
13E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
14A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
15A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
16A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
17A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
18A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
19A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
20A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
21A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
22E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
23A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
24A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
25A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
26E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
27A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
28A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
29A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
30E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
31A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
32A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
33A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
34E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
35A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1AR ADJUSTMENT--ArAdjContains all adjustments recorded against the invoice and impacting the invoice balance during the period. (e.g. write-offs, credit memos, and other adjustments). The data set shall contain one record for each adjustment to each invoice. For example, if an adjustment transaction impacted three invoices, there shall be three records for that adjustment: one for each of the invoices impacted by the adjustment.
2A2Adjustment IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1AdjIdPKUnique identifier for the adjustment of a record.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Adjustment NumberTEXT 1000..1AdjNrNumber of the adjustment of the record.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system. This number can be created by concatenating fields to uniquely identify each transaction (e.g. serial number, document type, adjustment date).
4A2Adjustment Type NameTEXT 600..1AdjTypNmName of the method by which the transaction debit or credit amount was extinguished or apportioned to the debt by the customer.EXAMPLE Credit memo, debit memo, finance charge, other adjustments.
5A2Adjustment Document NumberTEXT 1000..1AdjDocNrNumber of an internally generated adjustment document (e.g. credit memo).This number is usually generated by manual input or automated using system-based rules (e.g. document number, document type, year).
6A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvoiIdSAL INVOICE GENERATEDInvoice IDUnique identifier for the invoice, from which AR is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.This field represents the invoice against which the adjustment is applied, if relevant.May be set to NULL if the adjustment is at the customer (not invoice) level. Otherwise shall match the Invoice_ID [InvoiId] in the SAL_Invoices_Generated [SalInvoiGen] table.
7A2Journal IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1JrnIdGL DETAILSJournal IDUnique identifier for journal entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Journal_ID [JrnId] in the GL_Details [GlDtls] table.
8A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Adjustment_Date [AdjDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
9A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Adjustment_Date [AdjDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
10A2Adjustment DateDATE0..1AdjDtDate of the adjustment, regardless of the date when the adjustment was created.
11A2Customer Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CustAcntIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the customer from whom payment is expected or to whom unused credits have been applied.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table.
12A2GL Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
13A2GL Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
14E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
15A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
16A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
17A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
18A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
19A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
20A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
21A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
22A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
23E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
24A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
25A3Tax Local AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxLocAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in local currency.
26A3GL Tax Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the debit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
27A3GL Tax Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the credit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
28E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
29A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
30A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
31A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
32E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
33A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
34A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
35A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
36E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
37A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
38A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
39A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
40E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
41A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1AR ADJUSTMENT DETAILS--ArAdjDtlsContains line item details for the invoices included in the AR_Adjustments [ArAdj].
2A2Adjustment IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1AdjIdAR ADJUSTMENTAdjustment IDUnique identifier for the adjustment of a record.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Adjustment_ID [AdjId] in the AR_Adjustments [ArAdj] table.
3A2Adjustment Line IDIDENTIFIER 600..1AdjLnIdPKUnique identifier for the adjustment line.Typically auto-generated by the system.
4A2Adjustment Line NumberTEXT 100..1AdjLnNrNumber of the line item of the adjustment of record.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
5A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvoiIdSAL INVOICE GENERATEDInvoice IDUnique identifier for the invoice, from which AR is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.This field represents the invoice to which the adjustment is applied, if relevant.May be set to NULL if the adjustment is at the customer (not invoice) level. Otherwise shall match the Invoice_ID [InvoiId] in the SAL_Invoices_Generated_Details [SalInvoiGenDtls] table.
6A2Invoice Line IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvoiLnIdSAL INVOICE GENERATED DETAILSInvoice Line IDUnique identifier for the invoice line.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if adjustment is at the customer (not invoice) level. Otherwise shall match the Invoice_Line_ID [InvoiLnId] in the SAL_Invoices_Generated_Details [SalInvoiGenDtls] table.
7A2Journal IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1JrnIdGL DETAILSJournal IDUnique identifier for journal entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Journal_ID [JrnId] in the GL_Details [GlDtls] table.
8A2GL Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
9A2GL Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
10E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
11A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
12A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
13A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
14A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
15A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
16A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
17A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
18A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
19E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
20A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
21A3Tax Local AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxLocAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in local currency.
22A3GL Tax Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the debit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
23A3GL Tax Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the credit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
24E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
25A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1SAL CONTRACT--SalContrContains summary information of sales contracts placed during the period under review. In situations where companies only require sales orders, the sales contract(s) may not always be available.
2A2Contract IDIDENTIFIER 601..1ContrIdPKUnique identifier for the contract.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Contract NumberTEXT 800..1ContrNrNumber of the contract.This number is generated either by manual input or generated by the system.
4A2Contract Type NameTEXT 800..1ContrTypNmName of the contract type used in sales and purchase activities.EXAMPLE Framework agreement, short-term contract.EXAMPLE Business agreement, quantity contract, value contract, price contract.
5A2Contract Beginning DateDATE0..1ContrBegDtBeginning date of the contract.
6A2Contract Ending DateDATE0..1ContrEndDtEnding date of the contract.
7A2Customer Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CustAcntIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the receiving customer.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table.
8A2Sales Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1SalOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the sales organization that signed the contract.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
9A2Salesperson IDIDENTIFIER 600..1SalprsnIdBAS EMPLOYEEEmployee IDUnique identifier for the salesperson.Shall match the Employee_ID [EmpId] in the BAS_Employee [BasEmp] table.
10A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdBAS SETTLEMENT METHODSettlement Method CodeCode value or indicator for the method by which the transaction debit or credit amount was settled or apportioned by the customer or the supplier.EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash.Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
11A2Payment Term CodePAYMENT TERM CODE0..1PayTermCdBAS PAYMENT TERMPayment Term CodeCode for the payment term.EXAMPLE Cash on delivery, payment 30 days after delivery date.Shall match the Payment_Term_Code [PayTermCd] in the BAS_Payment_Term [BasPayTerm] table.
12A2Contract Transaction CUR CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1ContrTrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeTransactional currency specified in the contract (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
13A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the contract.EXAMPLE New, save, submit, frozen.
14A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
15E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
16A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
17A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
18E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
19A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
20E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
21A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1SAL CONTRACT DETAILS--SalContrDtlsContains line item details for the sales contracts. Each line includes product, quantity, customer, price per unit and trading amount.
2A2Contract IDIDENTIFIER 601..1ContrId SAL CONTRACTUnique identifier for the contract.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Contract_ID [ContrId] in the Sales or Purchase Contracts table.
3A2Contract Line IDIDENTIFIER 601..1ContrLnIdPKUnique identifier for the sales or purchase contract line.Typically auto-generated by the system.One purchase contract may contain more than one material and each material may be described by a line of the contract (e.g. including contract ID, date, serial number).
4A2Contract Line NumberTEXT 100..1ContrLnNrNumber of a contract line.This number is usually generated by manual input or is system-generated (e.g. including contract ID, date, serial number).
5A2Settlement Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1SetlOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the settlement organization.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
6A2Dispatch Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1DispOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the dispatch organization.The dispatch unit refers to the unit who send out goods belonging to the seller.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the Business_Segment_Master table.
7A2Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1PrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the product.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
8A2Contract QuantityQUANTITY0..1ContrQtQuantity of the product or materials in the contract.
9A2UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1UomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit for the product or materials.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
10A2Tax Exclude Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxExclUnitPriceUnit price (excluding tax) in transaction currency.
11A2Tax Include Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxInclUnitPriceUnit price (including tax) in transaction currency.
12A2Tax Exclude AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxExclAmtAmount (excluding tax) in transaction currency.
13A2Tax Include AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxInclAmtAmount (including tax) in transaction currency.
14A2Due DateDATE0..1DueDtLast requested delivery of the products or materials.When an order is delivered in multiple batches, this field refers to the time for the delivery of the last batch.
15A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the contract.EXAMPLE New, save, submit, frozen.
16E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
17A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
18A3Tax Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxTrAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in transaction currency.
19E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
20A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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Table 36 - SAL ORDER

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1SAL ORDER--SalOrdContains summary information of sales orders pertinent to orders placed during the period under review. Sales orders are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AR entries.
2A2Order IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1OrdIdPKUnique identifier for the order.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Order NumberIDENTIFIER 1000..1OrdNrNumber of the order.This number is generated either by manual input or generated by the system.
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Order_Date [OrdDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Order_Date [OrdDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Order Type NameTEXT 800..1OrdTypNmName of the order type in sales or purchase activities.The types of sales orders are usually allocated by users of the system according to different business needs.EXAMPLE Some enterprises are configured as non-contract orders, trial orders, factory orders and store orders.EXAMPLE Ordinary purchasing, outsourcing parts, process outsourcing.
7A2Order DateDATE0..1OrdDtDate of the purchase order and date of signing of the sales order.It is the effective date of the order, not the system created date. The order of a certain period is counted based on the effective date.
8A2Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1OrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the sales of purchase organization that signed the order.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
9A2Salesperson IDIDENTIFIER 600..1SalprsnIdBAS EMPLOYEEEmployee IDUnique identifier for the salesperson.Shall match the Employee_ID [EmpId] in the BAS_Employee [BasEmp] table.
10A2Customer Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CustAcntIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the receiving customer.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table.
11A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdBAS SETTLEMENT METHODSettlement Method CodeCode value or indicator for the method by which the transaction debit or credit amount was settled or apportioned by the customer or the supplier.EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash.Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
12A2Payment Term CodePAYMENT TERM CODE0..1PayTermCdBAS PAYMENT TERMPayment Term CodeCode for the payment term.EXAMPLE Cash on delivery, payment 30 days after delivery date.Shall match the Payment_Term_Code [PayTermCd] in the BAS_Payment_Term [BasPayTerm] table.
13A2Order Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1OrdTrAmtTransaction monetary amount recorded in transaction currency.
14A2Order Transaction CUR CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1OrdTrCurCdTransactional currency specified in the order (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
15A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the order.EXAMPLE The order has been shipped (goods on the way), the order has been collected, the order has been completed.EXAMPLE New, save, submit, approved, frozen.
16A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
17E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
18A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
19A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
20A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
21E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
22A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
23A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
24A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
25E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
26A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
27A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
28A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
29E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
30A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1SAL ORDER DETAILS--SalOrdDtlsContains line item details for sales orders. Each line includes product, quantity, due date, price per unit, trading amount and settlement organization. Multiple types of products may be presented in one sales order. Additionally, different shippers and settlement organizations may be assigned by each order line.
2A2Order IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1OrdIdSAL ORDEROrder IDUnique identifier for the order.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Order_ID [OrdId] in the Order table.
3A2Order Line IDIDENTIFIER 601..1OrdLnIdPKUnique identifier for a order line.Typically auto-generated by the system.
4A2Order Line NumberTEXT 100..1OrdLnNrNumber of the order line.This number is either generated by manual input or generated by the system.
5A2Contract IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ContrIdSAL CONTRACTUnique identifier for the contract.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no contract.Otherwise shall match the Contract_ID [ContrId] in the Contract_Details table.
6A2Contract Line IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ContrLnIdSAL CONTRACT DETAILSThe unique identifier for a contract line. Typically auto generated by the system. Shall match the Contract_Line_ID [ContrLnId] in the Contracts_Details table.
7A2Payer IDTEXT 600..1PayerIdUnique identifier for the payer.Typically auto-generated by the system.There are different purchase models in the group company (e.g. centralized purchase, decentralized payment, decentralization of procurement, centralized payment). If the sales order customer adopts the centralized purchasing model, the customer may be a group company, and the settlement organization may be a subsidiary company of the group company. The customer name and the name of the payment customer may be different.
8A2Settlement Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1SetlOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the settlement organization.Both parties have settlement unit code, which is used to identify an organization for a sales order settlement.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
9A2Dispatch Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1DispOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the dispatch organization.The dispatch unit refers to the unit who sends out goods belonging to the seller.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
10A2Due DateDATE0..1DueDtLast requested delivery of products. When an order is delivered in multiple batches, this field refers to the time for the delivery of the last batch.
11A2Basic UOM QuantityQUANTITY0..1BasicUomQtQuantity by basic measurement unit.
12A2Basic UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1BasicUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the basic measurement unit in the order, which cannot be further seperated. Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
13A2Order Line QuantityQUANTITY0..1OrdLnQtQuantity of the order line by the measurement unit in the order line.
14A2Order Line UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1OrdLnUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit in the order line.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
15A2Tax Exclude Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxExclUnitPriceUnit price (excluding tax) in the transaction currency.
16A2Tax Include Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxInclUnitPriceUnit price (including tax) in the transaction currency.
17A2Tax Exclude AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxExclAmtAmount (excluding tax) in the transaction currency.
18A2Tax Include AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxInclAmtAmount (including tax) in the transaction currency.
19A2Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1PrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the product.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
20A2Order Line Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1OrdLnTrAmtTransaction currency amount of the order line.
21A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the contract line.This describes changes in the execution of the contract line item. Different states will affect the execution and control of the business.EXAMPLE Termination, frozen, closed.
22E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
23A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
24A3Tax Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxTrAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in transaction currency.
25E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
26A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1SAL INVOICE GENERATED--SalInvoiGenContains summary information for the invoices generated during the period under review. Invoices are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AR entries. Each line includes invoice ID, invoice number, invoice date, customer, invoice amount, currency type, tax type, tax amount, settlement method and payment terms.
2A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 601..1InvoiIdPKUnique identifier for the invoice.Typically auto-generated by the system.The same ID shall be used for all tables with invoice data.
3A2Invoice NumberTEXT 1000..1InvoiNrNumber of the invoice.This number is usually generated by manual input or is system-generated (e.g. including serial number, document type, date).
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Invoice_Date [InvoiDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Invoice_Date [InvoiDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Official Invoice CodeTEXT 250..1OfficialInvoiCdUnique official code of the invoice, which is usually generated by the tax authorities.
7A2Invoice Type NameTEXT 600..1InvoiTypNmThe name of the invoice type. The documents are classified according to business content.
8A2Invoice DateDATE0..1InvoiDtDate of the invoice, regardless of the date the invoice is created. This is the date from which the due date is calculated based on the invoice terms.
9A2Invoice Due DateDATE0..1InvoiDueDtDate when the payment is due.Aging of a receivable is usually calculated based on this date.
10A2Customer Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CustAcntIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the receiving customer.Typically autogenerated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table.
11A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdCode value for the method used for cash receipts from customers.EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash.Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
12A2Invoice Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1InvoiTrAmtThe transaction monetary amount recorded in the functional or group currency.No multi-currency translation should be performed on this amount because all transactions are recorded in a single currency.
13A2Invoice Transaction CUR CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1InvoiTrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeTransactional currency appearing in the invoice (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
14A2Payment Term CodePAYMENT TERM CODE0..1PayTermCdBAS PAYMENT TERMPayment Term CodeCode for the payment term.EXAMPLE Cash on delivery, payment 30 days after delivery date.Shall match the Payment_Term_Code [PayTermCd] in the BAS_Payment_Term [BasPayTerm] table.
15A2Terms Discount PercentagePERCENTAGE0..1TrmsDscntPercDiscount percentage that can be provided if an invoice is paid before a certain number of days.Terms are represented as integers to a decimal place.EXAMPLE 10 % is 0.10.
16A2Terms Discount DaysNUMBER 60..1TrmsDscntDaysNumber of days from the invoice date that the customer has to take advantage of discounted terms.Terms are represented as integers with no decimal places.EXAMPLE 10 days are 10.
17A2Terms Due DaysNUMBER 60..1TrmsDueDaysNumber of days allowed that the customer has to meet the obligation before an invoice becomes overdue.
18A2Grouping CodeTEXT 1000..1GrpCdGrouping mechanism for related items in a batch or grouping of invoices (e.g. the invoice grouping found in certain ERP systems).
19A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the invoice.EXAMPLE New, save, submit, frozen.
20A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
21E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
22A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
23A3Tax Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxTrAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in transaction currency.
24E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
25A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
26A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
27A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
28E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
29A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
30A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
31A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
32E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
33A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
34A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
35A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
36E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
37A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1SAL INVOICE GENERATED DETAILS--SalInvoiGenDtlsContains line item details for invoices. Each line includes invoice line information on specific products, measurement unit, price per unit, invoice amount, currency type, tax type code and tax amount.
2A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 601..1InvoiIdSAL INVOICE GENERATEDUnique identifier for the invoice.Typically auto-generated by the system. The same ID shall be used for all tables with invoice data. Shall match the Invoice_ID [InvoiId] in the Invoices_Generated table.
3A2Invoice Line IDIDENTIFIER 601..1InvoiLnIdPKThe unique identifier for an invoice line.Typically auto-generated by the system.
4A2Invoice Line NumberTEXT 100..1InvoiLnNrNumber of an internally generated invoice line.This number is generated either by manual input or generated by the system.
5A2Order IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1OrdIdSAL ORDERThe unique identifier for the order.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no order.Otherwise shall match the Order_ID [OrdId] in the Orders table.
6A2Order Line IDIDENTIFIER 600..1OrdLnIdSAL ORDER DETAILSUnique identifier for a order line.Typically autogenerated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no order. Otherwise shall match the Order_Line_ID [OrdLnId] in the Orders_Details table.
7A2Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1PrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the product.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
8A2Basic UOM QuantityQUANTITY0..1BasicUomQtQuantity by basic measurement unit.
9A2Basic UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1BasicUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the basic measurement unit in the invoice, which cannot be further separated.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
10A2Invoice QuantityQUANTITY0..1InvoiQtQuantity recorded in the invoice line by the measurement unit for product.
11A2UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1UomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit for the product.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
12A2Tax Exclude Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxExclUnitPriceUnit price (excluding tax) in the transaction currency.
13A2Tax Include Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxInclUnitPriceUnit price (including tax) in the transaction currency.
14A2Tax Exclude AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxExclAmtAmount (excluding tax) in the transaction currency.
15A2Tax Include AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxInclAmtAmount (including tax) in the transaction currency.
16A2Invoice Line Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1InvoiLnTrAmtTransaction monetary amount recorded in the transaction currency.No multi-currency translation should be performed on this amount because all transactions are recorded in a single currency.
17A2Grouping CodeTEXT 1000..1GrpCdGrouping mechanism for related items in a batch or grouping of invoices (e.g. the invoice grouping found in certain ERP systems).
18A2GL Line Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlLnDbAcntNrNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
19A2GL Line Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlLnCrAcntNrNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
20E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
21A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
22A3Tax Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxTrAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in transaction currency.
23A3GL Tax Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the debit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
24A3GL Tax Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the credit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
25E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
26A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1SAL SHIPMENT MADE--SalShpMadeContains summary information for shipments and shipment adjustments made against sales orders during the period under review. Shipments made are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AR entries. Each line includes shipment ID and Number, shipment date, shipping amount, customer information and currency type.
2A2Shipment IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1ShpIdPKUnique identifier for the shipment.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Shipment NumberTEXT 1000..1ShpNrNumber of the shipment.This number is generated either by manual input or generated by the system.
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Shipment_Date [ShpDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Shipment_Date [ShpDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Dispatch Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1DispOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the dispatch organization.The dispatch unit refers to the unit who send out goods belonging to the seller.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
7A2Shipment DateDATE0..1ShpDtThe date of the shipment (date shipped).
8A2Shipment Reference NumberIDENTIFIER 1000..1ShpRefNrNumber of the reference shipping.The company reference or logistics company official waybill number.
9A2Shipping Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1ShpngTrAmtMonetary amount for the items in the shipping document related to the sales order.Recorded in the transaction currency.
10A2Shipping Transaction CUR CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1ShpngTrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeTransactional currency related to the shipping amount (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
11A2Shipment MethodTEXT 600..1ShpMthdTransportation used for shipping.EXAMPLE Air, train, truck, hand delivered.
12A2ShipperTEXT 250..1ShipperOrganization or individual that is or who is responsible for shipping the goods.EXAMPLE UPS, Federal Express.
13A2Adjustment IndicatorADJUSTMENT INDICATOR0..1AdjIndRepresented by 0 if the transaction is the original shipment transaction. Represented by 1 if the transaction is a shipment adjustment.
14A2Adjustment DescriptionTEXT 10000..1AdjDscrIf an adjustment was made to a shipment, a description should clarify the reason for the adjustment.
15A2Customer Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CustAcntIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the receiving customer.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table.
16A2Sales Order IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SalOrdIdSAL ORDEROrder IDUnique identifier for the sales order.Typically auto-generated by the system.When a shipment is made that includes goods from multiple orders. On the table SAL_Shipments_Made_Details, there will be a detailed relationship between the sales order details and the shipment made details. May be set to NULL if there is no sales order. Otherwise shall match the Sales_Order_ID [SalOrdId] in the SAL_Orders [SalOrd] table.
17E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
18A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
19A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
20A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
21E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
22A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
23A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
24A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
25E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
26A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
27A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
28A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
29E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
30A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1SAL SHIPMENT MADE DETAILS--SalShpMadeDtlsContains line item details for shipments and shipment adjustments. Each line includes shipments made, measurement unit, price per unit, order amount and currency type.
2A2Shipment IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1ShpIdSAL SHIPMENT MADEShipment IDUnique identifier for the shipment.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Shipment_ID [ShpId] in the SAL_Shipments_Made [SalShpMade] table.
3A2Shipment Document Line IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1ShpDocLnIdPKUnique identifier for the line of the shipping document.Typically auto-generated by the system.
4A2Shipment Document Line NumberTEXT 100..1ShpDocLnNrLine number of the shipping document.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
5A2Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1PrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the product.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
6A2Shipping QuantityQUANTITY0..1ShpngQtQuantity of the products in the shipment.
7A2Shipping UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1ShpngUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit recorded in the shipment.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
8A2Shipping Unit PricePRICE0..1ShpngUnitPricePrice per unit for the item sent.
9A2Shipping Line Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1ShpngLnTrAmtMonetary amount for the line item in the shipping document related to the sales order.Recorded in the transaction currency.
10A2Sales Order Line IDIDENTIFIER 600..1SalOrdLnIdSAL ORDER DETAILSOrder Line IDUnique identifier for the sales order line.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no sales order. Otherwise shall match the Sales_Order_Line_ID [SalOrdLnId] in the SAL_Orders_Details [SalOrdDtls] table.
11A2Sales Order Line QuantityQUANTITY0..1SalOrdLnQtQuantity of the sales order line by the sales measurement unit.May be set to NULL if there is no sales order.
12A2Order Line UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1OrdLnUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit in the sales order line.May be set to NULL if there is no sales order. Otherwise shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
13A2Order Line Unit PricePRICE0..1OrdLnUnitPriceSales order line price per unit.May be set to NULL if there is no sales order.
14A2Order Line Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1OrdLnTrAmtMonetary amount for the line item in the sales order related to the shipping document line item.Recorded in the transaction currency.May be set to NULL if there is no sales order. Otherwise shall match the Order_Line_Transaction_Amount [OrdLnTrAmt] in the SAL_Orders_Details [SalOrdDtls] table.
15E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
16A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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1E1AP OPEN ACCOUNT PAYABLE--ApOpnAcntPblContains details regarding all open, unpaid, or unresolved payable transactions as of a specified date. Each row in this table represents the balance due to the supplier for one uniquely identifiable transaction. This file should be at the summary level (by invoice), not at the detailed level (by invoice line item). The sum total of the transaction amounts as of the specified date shall reconcile to the total AP amount in the general ledger (GL) as of the same date.
2A2Transaction IDIDENTIFIER 601..1TrIdPKUnique identifier for the transaction of open AP that includes invoice and cash paid.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvoiIdPUR INVOICE RECEIVEDInvoice IDUnique identifier for the invoice, from which AP is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if the adjustment is at the supplier (not invoice) level. Otherwise shall match the Invoice_ID [InvoiId] in the PUR_Invoices_Received [PurInvoiRcvd] table.
4A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier to whom payment is expected or from whom unused credits have been applied.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
5A2Purchase Contract IDIDENTIFIER 600..1PurContrIdPUR CONTRACTContract IDUnique identifier for the purchase contract, from which AP is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no Purchase_Contract_ID [PurContrId]. Otherwise shall match the Purchase_Contract_ID [PurContrId] in the PUR_Contracts [PurContr] table.
6A2Project IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ProjIdBAS PROJECTProject IDUnique identifier for the project, from which AP is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if no Project_ID [ProjId]. Otherwise shall match the Project_ID [ProjId] in the BAS_Project [BasProj] table.
7A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Transaction_Date [TrDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
8A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Transaction_Date [TrDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
9A2Transaction DateDATE0..1TrDtDate of the transaction, regardless of the date when the transaction is created.This is the date from which the due date is calculated based on the invoice terms.
10A2Journal IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1JrnIdGL DETAILSJournal IDUnique identifier for journal entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Journal_ID [JrnId] in the GL_Details [GlDtls] table.
11A2Transaction Due DateDATE0..1TrDueDtDate when the payment is due from the supplier.Not all transactions will have a due date. May be set to NULL if there is no due date (e.g. for credit memos). Aging of a receivable is usually calculated based on this date.
12A2Reference NumberTEXT 1000..1RefNrNumber of an internally or externally generated transaction.EXAMPLE Check number, wire transfer number, original document ID.
13A2Reference DateDATE0..1RefDtDate on an internally or externally generated transaction.EXAMPLE Check date, wire transfer date.
14A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
15A2Grouping CodeTEXT 1000..1GrpCdCode for grouping related items for different purposes.
16E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
17A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
18A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
19A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
20A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
21A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
22A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
23A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
24A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
25E2BALANCE AMOUNT0..1BalAmtBalance monetary amounts recorded in their currency. The balance here refers to the remaining balance unpaid or needing settlement, which can be calculated by analyzing net of the originating invoice and any payment made and adjustments against it.
26A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
27A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
28A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
29A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
30E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
31A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1AP PAYMENT MADE--ApPayMadeContains information on all payment transactions made during the period. Types of payments include check, wire transfer and cash.
2A2Payment IDIDENTIFIER 601..1PayIdPKUnique identifier for each transaction of cash paid. Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Payment NumberTEXT 1000..1PayNrNumber of the transactional document, from which AP is derived. This number is usually generated by manual input or automated using system-based rules.
4A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier to whom payment is paid or from whom credits have been applied.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
5A2Purchase Contract IDIDENTIFIER 600..1PurContrIdPUR CONTRACTContract IDUnique identifier for the purchase contract, from which AP is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if no Purchase_Contract_ID [PurContrId]. Otherwise shall match the Purchase_Contract_ID [PurContrId] in the PUR_Contracts [PurContr] table.
6A2Project IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ProjIdBAS PROJECTProject IDUnique identifier for the project, from which AP is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if no Project_ID [ProjId]. Otherwise shall match the Project_ID [ProjId] in the BAS_Project [BasProj] table.
7A2Journal IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1JrnIdGL DETAILSJournal IDUnique identifier for journal entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Journal_ID [JrnId] in the GL_Details [GlDtls] table.
8A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Payment_Date [PayDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
9A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Payment_Date [PayDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
10A2Payment DateDATE0..1PayDtPayment date of the account payable by the supplier.
11A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdBAS SETTLEMENT METHODSettlement Method CodeCode value or indicator for the method by which the transaction debit or credit amount was settled or apportioned by the supplier.EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash.Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
12A2Reference NumberTEXT 1000..1RefNrNumber of an internally or externally generated transaction.EXAMPLE Check number, wire transfer number, original document ID.
13A2Reference DateDATE0..1RefDtDate on an internally or externally generated transaction.EXAMPLE Check date, wire transfer date.
14A2Amount Credit Debit IndicatorCREDIT DEBIT CODE0..1AmtCrDbIndIndicates whether the amount is a credit or a debit.EXAMPLE C is credit, D is debit.
15A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
16A2GL Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.This number is usually generated by manual input or automated using system-based rules.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
17A2GL Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.This number is usually generated by manual input or automated using system-based rules.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
18E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
19A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
20A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
21A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
22A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
23A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
24A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
25A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
26A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
27E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
28A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
29A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
30A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
31E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
32A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
33A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
34A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
35E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
36A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
37A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
38A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
39E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
40A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1AP CASH APPLICATION--ApCashAplContains information of all cash payments applied against the invoice during the period under review. The table will have one line for each application of a cash payment to an invoice. For example, if a cash payment was applied to three invoices, there will be three records for that payment - one for each of the invoices to which the cash was applied. In the context of this process, cash means any type of payment received including checks and wire transfers and cash.
2A2AP Application IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1ApAplIdPKUnique identifier for the application of cash from a payment to each invoice.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the AP_Application_Date [ApAplDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
4A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the AP_Application_Date [ApAplDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2AP Application DateDATE0..1ApAplDtDate of the cash application transaction, regardless of the date when the transaction was created.
6A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier to whom payment is due or from whom unused credits have been received.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
7A2Payment IDIDENTIFIER 600..1PayIdAP PAYMENT MADEPayment IDUnique identifier for the transactional document, from which AP is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Payment_ID [PayId] in the AP_Payments_Made [ApPayMade] table.
8A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvoiIdPUR INVOICE RECEIVEDInvoice IDUnique identifier for the invoice, from which AP is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if the adjustment is at the supplier (not invoice) level. Otherwise shall match the Invoice_ID [InvoiId] in the PUR_Invoices_Received [PurInvoiRcvd] table.
9A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdBAS SETTLEMENT METHODSettlement Method CodeCode value or indicator for the method by which the transaction debit or credit amount was settled or apportioned by the supplier.EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash.Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
10A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
11A2GL Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.This number is usually generated by manual input or automated using system-based rules.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
12A2GL Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.This number is usually generated by manual input or automated using system-based rules.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
13E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
14A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
15A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
16A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
17A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
18A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
19A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
20A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
21A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
22E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
23A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
24A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
25A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
26E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
27A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
28A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
29A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
30E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
31A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
32A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
33A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
34E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
35A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1AP ADJUSTMENT--ApAdjContains all adjustments recorded against the invoice and impacting the invoice balance during the period. For example, write-offs, credit memos, and other adjustments. The table will have one line for each adjustment to each invoice. For example, if an adjustment transaction impacted three invoices, there will be three records for that adjustment-one for each of the invoices impacted by the adjustment.
2A2Adjustment IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1AdjIdPKUnique identifier for the adjustment of a record.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Adjustment NumberTEXT 1000..1AdjNrNumber of the adjustment of the record.This number is usually generated by manual input or automated using system based rules. This number may need to be created by concatenating fields to uniquely identify each transaction (e.g. serial number, document type, adjustment date).
4A2Adjustment Type NameTEXT 600..1AdjTypNmName of the method by which the transaction debit or credit amount was extinguished or apportioned to the debt by the supplier.EXAMPLE Credit memo, debit memo, finance charge, other adjustments.
5A2Adjustment Document NumberTEXT 1000..1AdjDocNrNumber of an internally generated adjustment document (e.g. credit memo).This number is usually generated by manual input or automated using system-based rules (e.g. document number, document type, year).
6A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvoiIdPUR INVOICE RECEIVEDInvoice IDUnique identifier for the invoice, from which AP is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.This field represents the invoice against which the adjustment is applied, if relevant. May be set to NULL if the adjustment is at the supplier (not invoice) level. Otherwise shall match the Invoice_ID [InvoiId] in the PUR_Invoices_Received [PurInvoiRcvd] table.
7A2Journal IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1JrnIdGL DETAILSJournal IDUnique identifier for journal entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Journal_ID [JrnId] in the GL_Details [GlDtls] table.
8A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Adjustment_Date [AdjDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
9A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Adjustment_Date [AdjDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
10A2Adjustment DateDATE0..1AdjDtDate of the adjustment, regardless of the date when the adjustment was created.
11A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier from whom payment is expected or to whom unused credits have been applied.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
12A2GL Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
13A2GL Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
14E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
15A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
16A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
17A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
18A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
19A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
20A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
21A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
22A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
23E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
24A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
25A3Tax Local AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxLocAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in local currency.
26A3GL Tax Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the debit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
27A3GL Tax Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the credit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
28E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
29A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
30A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
31A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
32E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
33A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
34A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
35A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
36E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
37A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
38A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
39A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
40E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
41A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1AP ADJUSTMENT DETAILS--ApAdjDtlsContains line item details for the invoices included in the AP_Adjustments [ApAdj] table. The table will have one line for each invoice line item impacted by each adjustment.
2A2Adjustment IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1AdjIdAP ADJUSTMENTAdjustment IDUnique identifier for the adjustment of a record.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Adjustment_ID [AdjId] in the AP_Adjustments [ApAdj] table.
3A2Adjustment Line IDIDENTIFIER 601..1AdjLnIdPKUnique identifier for the adjustment line.Typically auto-generated by the system.
4A2Adjustment Line NumberTEXT 100..1AdjLnNrNumber of the line item of the adjustment of record.This number is usually generated by manual input or automated using system-based rules.
5A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvoiIdPUR INVOICE RECEIVEDInvoice IDUnique identifier for the invoice, from which AP is derived.Typically auto-generated by the system.This field represents the invoice against which the adjustment is applied, if relevant.May be set to NULL if the adjustment is at the supplier (not invoice) level. Otherwise shall match the Invoice_ID [InvoiId] in the PUR_Invoices_Received_Details [PurInvoiRcvdDtls] table.
6A2Invoice Line IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvoiLnIdPUR INVOICE RECEIVED DETAILSInvoice Line IDUnique identifier for the invoice line.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if adjustment is at the supplier (not invoice) level. Otherwise shall match the Invoice_Line_ID [InvoiLnId] in the PUR_Invoices_Received_Details [PurInvoiRcvdDtls] table.
7A2Journal IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1JrnIdGL DETAILSJournal IDUnique identifier for journal entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Journal_ID [JrnId] in the GL_Details [GlDtls] table.
8A2GL Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
9A2GL Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
10E2TRANSACTION AMOUNT0..1TrAmtRelated amount expressed in functional, transaction, reporting and local currency.
11A3Functional AmountAMOUNT0..1FuncAmtAmount recorded in the functional or group currency.
12A3Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeCode of the functional or group currency (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
13A3Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TrAmtAmount recorded in the transaction currency.
14A3Transaction Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1TrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used in the actual transaction (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
15A3Reporting AmountAMOUNT0..1RprtAmtAmount recorded in the reporting currency.
16A3Reporting Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RprtCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for non-consolidated reporting (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
17A3Local AmountAMOUNT0..1LocAmtAmount recorded in the local currency.
18A3Local Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1LocCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeThe code of currency used for local country reporting requirements (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
19E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
20A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
21A3Tax Local AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxLocAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in local currency.
22A3GL Tax Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the debit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
23A3GL Tax Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the credit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
24E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
25A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PUR REQUISITION--PurRqstnContains summary information for purchase requisitions placed during the period under review.
2A2Requisition IDIDENTIFIER 601..1RqstnIdPKUnique identifier for the material purchase requisition. Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Requisition NumberTEXT 800..1RqstnNrNumber of the material purchase requisition.This number is generated either by manual input or generated by the system.
4A2Requisition DateDATE0..1RqstnDtSubmission date of the purchase requisition.
5A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the purchase requisition recorded at the moment.Different ERP vendors have different content for this information output.EXAMPLE New, save, submit, approved, frozen.
6A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
7E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
8A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
9A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
10E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
11A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PUR REQUISITION DETAILS--PurRqstnDtlsContains line item details for the purchase requisitions. The table contains material, quantity, due date, requisition organization and the purchase organization.
2A2Requisition IDIDENTIFIER 601..1RqstnIdPUR REQUISITIONRequisition IDUnique identifier for the material purchase requisition.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Requisition_ID [RqstnId] in the PUR_Requisitions [PurRqstn] table.
3A2Requisition Line IDIDENTIFIER 601..1RqstnLnIdPKUnique identifier for the material purchase requisition line.Typically auto-generated by the system.A requisition form may apply for purchasing one or more materials. Each material requisitioned should be described in a separate row.
4A2Requisition Line NumberTEXT 100..1RqstnLnNrNumber of the requisition line.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
5A2Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1PrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the product.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
6A2Requisition Due DateDATE0..1RqstnDueDtLast requested delivery of the purchased materials in the purchasing requisition.Completion of the delivery shall not be later than this date.
7A2Requisition QuantityQUANTITY0..1RqstnQtQuantity of the purchased materials in the requisition.
8A2Approved QuantityQUANTITY0..1AprvQtApproved quantity of the purchased materials from the requisition quantity.The approved quantity can differ from the requisition quantity.
9A2Purchase UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1PurUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit for purchasing materials.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
10A2Project IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ProjIdBAS PROJECTProject IDUnique identifier for the project.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Project_ID [ProjId] in the BAS_Project [BasProj] table.
11A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier account in the purchase requisition.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if no transaction related purchase requisition. Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
12A2Purchase Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1PurOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the purchase organization that signed the requisition.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
13A2Requisition Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1RqstnOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the organization with the material purchase request.The requisition organization is a business organization or an administrative organization.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
14A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the requisition line.EXAMPLE In process, rejected.
15E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
16A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PUR CONTRACT--PurContrContains summary information of a purchase contract placed during the period under review. In situations where companies only require purchase orders, the purchase contract(s) may not always be available.
2A2Contract IDIDENTIFIER 601..1ContrIdPKUnique identifier for the contract.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Contract NumberTEXT 800..1ContrNrNumber of the contract.This number is generated either by manual input or generated by the system.
4A2Contract Type NameTEXT 800..1ContrTypNmName of the contract type used in sales and purchase activities.EXAMPLE Framework agreement, short-term contract.EXAMPLE Business agreement, quantity contract, value contract, price contract.
5A2Contract Beginning DateDATE0..1ContrBegDtBeginning date of the contract.
6A2Contract Ending DateDATE0..1ContrEndDtEnding date of the contract.
7A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier account in the purchase contract.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
8A2Purchase Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1PurOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the purchase organization that signed the contract.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
9A2Purchaser IDIDENTIFIER 600..1PurrIdBAS EMPLOYEEEmployee IDCode of the person who is responsible for purchase contracts.Shall match the Employee_ID [EmpId] in the BAS_Employee [BasEmp] table.
10A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdBAS SETTLEMENT METHODSettlement Method CodeCode value or indicator for the method by which the transaction debit or credit amount was settled or apportioned by the customer or the supplier.EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash.Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
11A2Payment Term CodePAYMENT TERM CODE0..1PayTermCdBAS PAYMENT TERMPayment Term CodeCode for the payment term.EXAMPLE Cash on delivery, payment 30 days after delivery date.Shall match the Payment_Term_Code [PayTermCd] in the BAS_Payment_Term [BasPayTerm] table.
12A2Contract Transaction CUR CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1ContrTrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeTransactional currency specified in the contract (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
13A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the contract.EXAMPLE New, save, submit, frozen.
14A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
15E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
16A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
17A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
18E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
19A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
20E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
21A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PUR CONTRACT DETAILS--PurContrDtlsContains line item details for the purchase contracts. Each line includes material, quantity, supplier, price per unit and trading amount.
2A2Contract IDIDENTIFIER 601..1ContrIdPUR CONTRACTUnique identifier for the contract.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Contract_ID [ContrId] in the Sales or Purchase Contracts table.
3A2Contract Line IDIDENTIFIER 601..1ContrLnIdPKUnique identifier for the sales or purchase contract line.Typically auto-generated by the system.One purchase contract may contain more than one material and each material may be described by a line of the contract (e.g. including contract ID, date, serial number).
4A2Contract Line NumberTEXT 100..1ContrLnNrNumber of a contract line.This number is usually generated by manual input or is system-generated (e.g. including contract ID, date, serial number).
5A2Settlement Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1SetlOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the settlement organization.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
6A2Receipt Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1RcptOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the receiving materials organization (Receiving organization, can be different from the settlement organization).The organization receiving materials may be a warehouse or an administration organization.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
7A2Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1PrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the product.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
8A2Contract QuantityQUANTITY0..1ContrQtQuantity of the product or materials in the contract.
9A2UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1UomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit for the product or materials.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
10A2Tax Exclude Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxExclUnitPriceUnit price (excluding tax) in transaction currency.
11A2Tax Include Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxInclUnitPriceUnit price (including tax) in transaction currency.
12A2Tax Exclude AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxExclAmtAmount (excluding tax) in transaction currency.
13A2Tax Include AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxInclAmtAmount (including tax) in transaction currency.
14A2Due DateDATE0..1DueDtLast requested delivery of the products or materials.When an order is delivered in multiple batches, this field refers to the time for the delivery of the last batch.
15A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the contract.EXAMPLE New, save, submit, frozen.
16E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
17A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
18A3Tax Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxTrAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in transaction currency.
19E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
20A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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Table 51 - PUR ORDER

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PUR ORDER--PurOrdContains summary information of purchase orders placed during the period under review. Purchase orders are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AP entries.
2A2Order IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1OrdIdPKUnique identifier for the order.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Order NumberIDENTIFIER 1000..1OrdNrNumber of the order.This number is generated either by manual input or generated by the system.
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Order_Date [OrdDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Order_Date [OrdDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Order Type NameTEXT 800..1OrdTypNmName of the order type in sales or purchase activities.The types of sales orders are usually allocated by users of the system according to different business needs.EXAMPLE Some enterprises are configured as non-contract orders, trial orders, factory orders and store orders.EXAMPLE Ordinary purchasing, outsourcing parts, process outsourcing.
7A2Order DateDATE0..1OrdDtDate of the purchase order and date of signing of the sales order.It is the effective date of the order, not the system created date. The order of a certain period is counted based on the effective date.
8A2Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1OrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the sales of purchase organization that signed the order.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
9A2Purchaser IDIDENTIFIER 600..1PurrIdBAS EMPLOYEEEmployee IDCode of the person who was responsible for purchase orders.Shall match the Employee_ID [EmpId] in the BAS_Employee [BasEmp] table.
10A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier account in the purchase order. Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
11A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdBAS SETTLEMENT METHODSettlement Method CodeCode value or indicator for the method by which the transaction debit or credit amount was settled or apportioned by the customer or the supplier.EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash.Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
12A2Payment Term CodePAYMENT TERM CODE0..1PayTermCdBAS PAYMENT TERMPayment Term CodeCode for the payment term.EXAMPLE Cash on delivery, payment 30 days after delivery date.Shall match the Payment_Term_Code [PayTermCd] in the BAS_Payment_Term [BasPayTerm] table.
13A2Order Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1OrdTrAmtTransaction monetary amount recorded in transaction currency.
14A2Order Transaction CUR CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1OrdTrCurCdTransactional currency specified in the order (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
15A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the order.EXAMPLE The order has been shipped (goods on the way), the order has been collected, the order has been completed.EXAMPLE New, save, submit, approved, frozen.
16A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
17E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
18A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
19A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
20A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
21E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
22A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
23A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
24A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
25E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
26A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
27A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
28A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
29E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
30A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PUR ORDER DETAILS--PurOrdDtlsContains line item details for purchase orders. Each line includes material, quantity, due date, price per unit, trading amount, recipient and settlement organization. Multiple types of materials may be presented in one purchase order.
2A2Order IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1OrdIdPUR ORDERUnique identifier for the order.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Order_ID [OrdId] in the Order table.
3A2Order Line IDIDENTIFIER 601..1OrdLnIdPKUnique identifier for a order line.Typically auto-generated by the system.
4A2Order Line NumberTEXT 100..1OrdLnNrNumber of the order line.This number is either generated by manual input or generated by the system.
5A2Contract IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ContrIdPUR CONTRACTUnique identifier for the contract.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no contract.Otherwise shall match the Contract_ID [ContrId] in the Contract_Details table.
6A2Contract Line IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ContrLnIdPUR CONTRACT DETAILSThe unique identifier for a contract line. Typically auto generated by the system. Shall match the Contract_Line_ID [ContrLnId] in the Contracts_Details table.
7A2Requisition IDIDENTIFIER 600..1RqstnIdPUR REQUISITIONRequisition IDUnique identifier for the material purchase requisition.Typically autogenerated by the system.May be set to NULL if no transaction related purchase requisitions. Otherwise shall match the Requisition_ID [RqstnId] in the PUR_Requisitions [PurRqstn] table.
8A2Requisition Line IDIDENTIFIER 600..1RqstnLnIdPUR REQUISITION DETAILSRequisition Line IDUnique identifier for a material purchase requisition line. A requisition form may apply for purchasing one or more materials. Each material requisitioned should be described in a seperate row.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if no transaction related purchase requisitions. Otherwise shall match the Requisition_Line_ID [RqstnLnId] in the PUR_Requisitions_Details [PurRqstnDtls] table.
9A2Settlement Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1SetlOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the settlement organization.Both parties have settlement unit code, which is used to identify an organization for a sales order settlement.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
10A2Receipt Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1RcptOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the receiving materials organization (Receiving organization, can be different from the settlement organization). The organization receiving materials may be a warehouse or an administration organization.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
11A2Project IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ProjIdBAS PROJECTProject IDUnique identifier for the project.Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the Project_ID [ProjId] in the BAS_Project [BasProj] table.
12A2Due DateDATE0..1DueDtLast requested delivery of products. When an order is delivered in multiple batches, this field refers to the time for the delivery of the last batch.
13A2Basic UOM QuantityQUANTITY0..1BasicUomQtQuantity by basic measurement unit.
14A2Basic UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1BasicUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the basic measurement unit in the order, which cannot be further seperated. Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
15A2Order Line QuantityQUANTITY0..1OrdLnQtQuantity of the order line by the measurement unit in the order line.
16A2Order Line UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1OrdLnUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit in the order line.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
17A2Tax Exclude Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxExclUnitPriceUnit price (excluding tax) in the transaction currency.
18A2Tax Include Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxInclUnitPriceUnit price (including tax) in the transaction currency.
19A2Tax Exclude AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxExclAmtAmount (excluding tax) in the transaction currency.
20A2Tax Include AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxInclAmtAmount (including tax) in the transaction currency.
21A2Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1PrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the product.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
22A2Order Line Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1OrdLnTrAmtTransaction currency amount of the order line.
23A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the contract line.This describes changes in the execution of the contract line item. Different states will affect the execution and control of the business.EXAMPLE Termination, frozen, closed.
24E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
25A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
26A3Tax Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxTrAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in transaction currency.
27E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
28A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PUR INVOICE RECEIVED--PurInvoiRcvdContains summary information for the invoices received during the period under review. Invoices are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AP entries. Each line includes invoice ID, invoice number, invoice date, supplier, invoice amount, currency type, tax type, tax amount, settle method and payment terms.
2A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 601..1InvoiIdPKUnique identifier for the invoice.Typically auto-generated by the system.The same ID shall be used for all tables with invoice data.
3A2Invoice NumberTEXT 1000..1InvoiNrNumber of the invoice.This number is usually generated by manual input or is system-generated (e.g. including serial number, document type, date).
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Invoice_Date [InvoiDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Invoice_Date [InvoiDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Official Invoice CodeTEXT 250..1OfficialInvoiCdUnique official code of the invoice, which is usually generated by the tax authorities.
7A2Invoice Type NameTEXT 600..1InvoiTypNmThe name of the invoice type. The documents are classified according to business content.
8A2Invoice DateDATE0..1InvoiDtDate of the invoice, regardless of the date the invoice is created. This is the date from which the due date is calculated based on the invoice terms.
9A2Invoice Due DateDATE0..1InvoiDueDtDate when the payment is due.Aging of a receivable is usually calculated based on this date.
10A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier to whom payment is due or from whom unused credits have been applied.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
11A2Settlement Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1SetlOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeThe unique code of the settlement organization (Organization of the payment, can be different from the receiving organization). May be the purchase organization or the receipt organization. Shall match the Unique_Bus_Seg_Code in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
12A2Settlement Method CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1SetlMthdCdCode value for the method used for cash receipts from customers.EXAMPLE Check, wire transfer, cash.Shall match the Settlement_Method_Code [SetlMthdCd] in the BAS_Settlement_Method [BasSetlMthd] table.
13A2Invoice Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1InvoiTrAmtThe transaction monetary amount recorded in the functional or group currency.No multi-currency translation should be performed on this amount because all transactions are recorded in a single currency.
14A2Invoice Transaction CUR CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1InvoiTrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeTransactional currency appearing in the invoice (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
15A2Payment Term CodePAYMENT TERM CODE0..1PayTermCdBAS PAYMENT TERMPayment Term CodeCode for the payment term.EXAMPLE Cash on delivery, payment 30 days after delivery date.Shall match the Payment_Term_Code [PayTermCd] in the BAS_Payment_Term [BasPayTerm] table.
16A2Terms Discount PercentagePERCENTAGE0..1TrmsDscntPercDiscount percentage that can be provided if an invoice is paid before a certain number of days.Terms are represented as integers to a decimal place.EXAMPLE 10 % is 0.10.
17A2Terms Discount DaysNUMBER 60..1TrmsDscntDaysNumber of days from the invoice date that the customer has to take advantage of discounted terms.Terms are represented as integers with no decimal places.EXAMPLE 10 days are 10.
18A2Terms Due DaysNUMBER 60..1TrmsDueDaysNumber of days allowed that the customer has to meet the obligation before an invoice becomes overdue.
19A2Grouping CodeTEXT 1000..1GrpCdGrouping mechanism for related items in a batch or grouping of invoices (e.g. the invoice grouping found in certain ERP systems).
20A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the invoice.EXAMPLE New, save, submit, frozen.
21A2RemarkTEXT 5000..1RmrkFree-form text description.
22E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
23A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
24A3Tax Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxTrAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in transaction currency.
25E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
26A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
27A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
28A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
29E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
30A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
31A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
32A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
33E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
34A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
35A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
36A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
37E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
38A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PUR INVOICE RECEIVED DETAILS--PurInvoiRcvdDtlsContains line item details for invoices. Each line includes invoice line information on specific materials, measurement unit, price per unit, invoice amount, currency type, tax type code, and tax amount.
2A2Invoice IDIDENTIFIER 601..1InvoiIdPUR INVOICE RECEIVEDUnique identifier for the invoice.Typically auto-generated by the system. The same ID shall be used for all tables with invoice data. Shall match the Invoice_ID [InvoiId] in the Invoices_Generated table.
3A2Invoice Line IDIDENTIFIER 601..1InvoiLnIdPKThe unique identifier for an invoice line.Typically auto-generated by the system.
4A2Invoice Line NumberTEXT 100..1InvoiLnNrNumber of an internally generated invoice line.This number is generated either by manual input or generated by the system.
5A2Order IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1OrdIdPUR ORDERThe unique identifier for the order.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no order.Otherwise shall match the Order_ID [OrdId] in the Orders table.
6A2Order Line IDIDENTIFIER 600..1OrdLnIdUnique identifier for a order line.Typically autogenerated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no order. Otherwise shall match the Order_Line_ID [OrdLnId] in the Orders_Details table.
7A2Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1PrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the product.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
8A2Basic UOM QuantityQUANTITY0..1BasicUomQtQuantity by basic measurement unit.
9A2Basic UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1BasicUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the basic measurement unit in the invoice, which cannot be further separated.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
10A2Invoice QuantityQUANTITY0..1InvoiQtQuantity recorded in the invoice line by the measurement unit for product.
11A2UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1UomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit for the product.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
12A2Tax Exclude Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxExclUnitPriceUnit price (excluding tax) in the transaction currency.
13A2Tax Include Unit PricePRICE0..1TaxInclUnitPriceUnit price (including tax) in the transaction currency.
14A2Tax Exclude AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxExclAmtAmount (excluding tax) in the transaction currency.
15A2Tax Include AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxInclAmtAmount (including tax) in the transaction currency.
16A2Invoice Line Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1InvoiLnTrAmtTransaction monetary amount recorded in the transaction currency.No multi-currency translation should be performed on this amount because all transactions are recorded in a single currency.
17A2Grouping CodeTEXT 1000..1GrpCdGrouping mechanism for related items in a batch or grouping of invoices (e.g. the invoice grouping found in certain ERP systems).
18A2GL Line Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlLnDbAcntNrNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
19A2GL Line Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlLnCrAcntNrNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
20E2TAX0..4TaxTax information.
21A3Tax Type CodeTAX TYPE CODE0..1TaxTypCdBAS TAX TYPETax Type CodeThe code of Tax type. Shall match the Tax_Type_Code [TaxTypCd] in the BAS_Tax_Type [BasTaxTyp] table.
22A3Tax Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1TaxTrAmtThe amount of Tax included in the transaction. Recorded in transaction currency.
23A3GL Tax Debit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxDbAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the debit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
24A3GL Tax Credit Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlTaxCrAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberThe GL account number on which the credit side of the Tax transaction has been posted. Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
25E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
26A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PUR MATERIALS RECEIVED--PurMatRcvdContains summary information for shipments and shipment adjustments received against purchase orders during the period under review. Materials received are included in the three-way match procedures, which control the decision process for AP entries. Each line includes receipt ID and Number, receipt date, receipt amount, supplier information and currency type.
2A2Receipt IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1RcptIdPKUnique identifier for the shipment receipt.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Receipt NumberTEXT 1000..1RcptNrNumber of the receipt.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Receipt_Date [RcptDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Receipt_Date [RcptDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Receipt Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1RcptOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeUnique code of the receiving materials organization (the receiving organization can be different from the settlement organization).The organization receiving materials may be a warehouse or an administration organization.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
7A2Receipt DateDATE0..1RcptDtDate of the shipment receipt.
8A2Receipt Reference NumberTEXT 1000..1RcptRefNrNumber of the reference of the receipt.The company reference or logistics company official waybill number.
9A2Receipt Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1RcptTrAmtMonetary amount for the items in the receipt related to the purchase order in the transaction currency.This amount is calculated through the receipt details.
10A2Receipt Transaction CUR CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1RcptTrCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeTransactional currency appearing in the receipt (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
11A2Shipping MethodTEXT 600..1ShpngMthdTransportation used for shipping.EXAMPLE Air, train, truck, hand delivered.
12A2ShipperTEXT 250..1ShipperOrganization or individual that is or who is responsible for shipping the goods.EXAMPLE UPS, Federal Express.
13A2Adjustment IndicatorADJUSTMENT INDICATOR0..1AdjIndRepresented by 0 if the transaction is the original shipment transaction. Represented by 1 if the transaction is a shipment adjustment.
14A2Adjustment DescriptionTEXT 10000..1AdjDscrIf an adjustment was made to a receipt, a description should clarify the reason for the adjustment.
15A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier to whom payment is due or from whom unused credits have been applied.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
16A2Purchase Order IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1PurOrdIdPUR ORDEROrder IDUnique identifier for the purchase order.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no transaction-related purchase order. Otherwise shall match the Purchase_Order_ID [PurOrdId] in the PUR_Orders [PurOrd] table.
17E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
18A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
19A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
20A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
21E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
22A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
23A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
24A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
25E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
26A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
27A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
28A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
29E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
30A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PUR MATERIALS RECEIVED DETAILS--PurMatRcvdDtlsContains line item details for shipments and shipment adjustment. Each line includes materials received, measurement unit, price per unit, order amount and currency type.
2A2Receipt IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1RcptIdPUR MATERIALS RECEIVEDReceipt IDUnique identifier for the shipment receipt.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Receipt_ID [RcptId] in the PUR_Materials_Received [PurMatRcvd] table.
3A2Receipt Line IDIDENTIFIER 601..1RcptLnIdPKUnique identifier for the receipt line.Typically auto-generated by the system.
4A2Receipt Line NumberTEXT 1000..1RcptLnNrNumber of the receipt line.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
5A2Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1PrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the product.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
6A2Receipt QuantityQUANTITY0..1RcptQtQuantity of materials received recorded in the receipt.
7A2Receipt UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1RcptUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit recorded in the receipt.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
8A2Receipt Unit PricePRICE0..1RcptUnitPricePrice per unit for the item received (including tax).
9A2Receipt Line TRX AmountAMOUNT0..1RcptLnTrxAmtMonetary amount for the line item in the receipt document related to the purchase order in the transaction currency.
10A2Purchase Order Line IDIDENTIFIER 600..1PurOrdLnIdPUR ORDER DETAILSOrder Line IDUnique identifier for the purchase order line.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if there is no transaction-related purchase order. Otherwise shall match the Purchase_Order_Line_ID [PurOrdLnId] in the PUR_Orders_Details [PurOrdDtls] table.
11A2Purchase Order Line QuantityQUANTITY0..1PurOrdLnQtQuantity of the purchase order line by the purchase measurement unit.May be set to NULL if there is no transaction-related purchase order.
12A2Order Line UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1OrdLnUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit in the purchase order line.May be set to NULL if no transaction related purchase order. Otherwise shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
13A2Order Line Unit PricePRICE0..1OrdLnUnitPricePurchase order line price per unit.May be set to NULL if there is no transaction-related purchase order.
14A2Order Line Transaction AmountAMOUNT0..1OrdLnTrAmtMonetary amount for the line item in the purchase order related to the receipt shipping document in the transaction currency.May be set to NULL if there is no transaction-related purchase order. Otherwise shall match the Order_Line_Transaction_Amount [OrdLnTrAmt] in the PUR_Orders_Details [PurOrdDtls] table.
15E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
16A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1INV LOCATION--InvLctContains information of an inventory location where inventory may be tracked.
2A2Location IDIDENTIFIER 751..1LctIdPKUnique identifier for the organization.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Location CodeTEXT 800..1LctCdCode for the location used to identify the inventory location at the local, rather than organizational, level.
4A2Parent Location IDIDENTIFIER 750..1ParLctIdParent or containing organization for this reporting (sub) unit, where applicable.Shall be a valid entry of Location_ID [LctId] from this table.
5A2Location DescriptionTEXT 10000..1LctDscrTextual description of the location identified by Location_Code: for example, location name.
6A2Location TypeTEXT 120..1LctTypTextual description of the location identified by Location_Code [LctCd].EXAMPLE Location name.
7A2Inventory Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1InvOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeThe code of the inventory organization. Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
8A2Location Active FlagBOOLEAN0..1LctActiveFlagThis indicates whether this location is active or inactive: for example, 1 is active and 0 is inactive.
9E2PHYSICAL ADDRESS0..1PhysAdrPhysical address information.
10A3Street Address1TEXT 1000..1StreetAdr1Line 1 of the street address.
11A3Street Address2TEXT 1000..1StreetAdr2Line 2 of the street address.
12A3City NameCITY NAME0..1CityNmCity name of this address.
13A3State Province CodeSTATE PROVINCE CODE0..1StatePrvncCdThe state or province of this address (in accordance with ISO 3166-2).
14A3Postal CodePOSTAL CODE0..1PostalCdZip or postal code of this address.
15A3Country CodeCOUNTRY CODE0..1CntryCdThe country code of this address (in accordance with ISO 3166-1).
16E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
17A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1INV PRODUCT TYPE--InvPrdctTypContains inventory product type information and the tree structure information of inventory product type.
2A2Inventory Product Type IDIDENTIFIER 601..1InvPrdctTypIdPKUnique identifier for the inventory product type used to express inventory or product type with hierarchy.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Inventory Product Type CodeINVENTORY PRODUCT TYPE CODE0..1InvPrdctTypCdCode for the inventory product type.EXAMPLE 01 is raw materials, 02 is work in-progress, 03 is finished goods, 04 is supplies.
4A2Inventory Product Type NameTEXT 1000..1InvPrdctTypNmName of the inventory product type.EXAMPLE Raw materials, work in-progress, finished goods, supplies.
5A2INV Product Type DescriptionTEXT 10000..1InvPrdctTypDscrDescription of the inventory product type.
6A2Parent INV Product Type IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ParInvPrdctTypIdINV PRODUCT TYPEInventory Product Type IDUnique identifier for the parent inventory product type.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_Type_ID [InvPrdctTypId] of the record of parent inventory type in the INV_Product_Type [InvPrdctTyp] table.
7E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
8A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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Table 59 - INV PRODUCT

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1INV PRODUCT--InvPrdctContains basic attributes of an inventory item and other tracked item through the purchase, use and sales.
2A2Inventory Product IDIDENTIFIER 751..1InvPrdctIdPKUnique identifier for the inventory item.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Inventory Product CodeTEXT 800..1InvPrdctCdInternal code of the inventory product at the local level for tracking this product.
4A2Inventory Product Type IDIDENTIFIER 600..1InvPrdctTypIdINV PRODUCT TYPEInventory Product Type IDUnique identifier for the inventory product type used to express inventory or product type with hierarchy.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_Type_ID [InvPrdctTypId] in the INV_Product_Type [InvPrdctTyp] table.
5A2Product Group1TEXT 250..1PrdctGroup1Product descriptor #1.EXAMPLE Tires, accessories.
6A2Product Group2TEXT 250..1PrdctGroup2Product descriptor #2.EXAMPLE Brand.
7A2Inventory Bar CodeTEXT 600..1InvBarCdUniversal Product Code or other external identifier.EXAMPLE The product code from a primary supplier.
8A2Preferred Supplier IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1PreferredSuplIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier that the organization has designated as the first choice from whom to procure this item.The selection may be for contractual or practical reasons, which may include historical reliability and quality, advantageous terms (e.g. delivery, pricing), a specific customer request or other reasons.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] from the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
9A2Basic UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1BasicUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the basic measurement unit for the inventory, which cannot be further separated.EXAMPLE The basic measurement unit for a pencil is pieces, however, the business can also use boxes as a measurement unit for stocking or for managerial purposes.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
10A2Default Costing MethodTEXT 600..1DftCstngMthdDescription of the costing method.EXAMPLE LIFO, FIFO, average, standard, specific identification.
11A2Default Stocking UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1DftStckUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit that is normally used for stock.EXAMPLE To measure pencils for stocking purpose, boxes as measurement unit is usually used, which is different from the basic measurement unit pieces.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
12A2GL Asset Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlAssetAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the balance sheet amount of inventory product is recognized.EXAMPLE Identifier for the raw inventory account.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
13A2GL Cost Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlCostAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the income statement amount of inventory product is recognized.EXAMPLE Identifier for the cost of sales account.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
14A2Out Of Service DateDATE0..1OutOfSrvcDtDate when the inventory is out of service.EXAMPLE The date when the inventory is discontinued due to changes in design and replacement of materials.
15A2Out Of Service FlagBOOLEAN0..1OutOfSrvcFlagSign of out-of-service status.EXAMPLE 0 is no, 1 is yes.
16A2Lot NumberTEXT 600..1LotNrNumber associated with a product that is used for tracking and managing the lot.
17A2Serial NumberTEXT 600..1SerialNrNumber associated with an individual product item that is used for tracking and managing.EXAMPLE A company purchases 10 computers, with each computer assigned an individual serial number.
18E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
19A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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Table 60 - INV ON HAND

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1INV ON HAND--InvOnHandContains information of inventory on hand (e.g. suppliers, quantities of items by location and amounts as of the specified date).
2A2Inventory IDIDENTIFIER 751..1InvIdPKUnique identifier for the inventory.Typically auto-generated by the system. The unique value means that each line in the data table under consideration has a unique, non-repetitive, serial number for identification.
3A2Inventory Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1InvPrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the inventory item.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
4A2Lot NumberTEXT 600..1LotNrNumber associated with a product that is used for tracking and managing the lot.
5A2Serial NumberTEXT 600..1SerialNrNumber associated with an individual product item that is used for tracking and managing.EXAMPLE A company purchases 10 computers, with each computer assigned an individual serial number.
6A2Inventory ABC CodeINVENTORY ABC CODE0..1InvAbcCdCode for the importance, monetary value or other measure of the item according to Markov's rule for selective inventory control, where 20 % of items are responsible for 80 % of the value or risk.A = top 20 % representing 80 % of risk:B = 30 %, representing 15 % of risk:C = 50 % of items representing only 5 % of risk.
7A2Location IDIDENTIFIER 750..1LctIdINV LOCATIONLocation IDUnique identifier for the organization.Shall be a valid entry in the INV_Location [InvLct] table.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Location_ID [LctId] in the INV_Location [InvLct] table.
8A2Inventory As Of DateDATE0..1InvAsOfDtSpecified date to which inventory information applies.
9A2INV PUR YearToDate QuantityQUANTITY0..1InvPurYrtodtQtQuantity purchased to this location year to date in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd].
10A2INV Sold YearToDate QuantityQUANTITY0..1InvSoldYrtodtQtQuantity sold from this location year to date in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd].
11A2Inventory Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1InvOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for the inventory organization, which refers to the organizational unit, physical or virtual, where the inventory transaction and balances may be tracked and monitored.It provides inventory information to modules such as purchase and sales. The simplest form of inventory organization is warehouse.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
12A2Cost Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1CostOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for the cost organization, which refers to the organizational unit/level where the cost of outbound inventory will be calculated.The calculation may be done at the corporate level, the stocking organization level or at the particular locations where inventory is stored.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
13A2Inventory Costing UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1InvCstngUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit for the inventory's cost.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
14A2Inventory Purchasing UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1InvPrchsngUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the primary measurement unit of how goods enter the organization through purchase.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
15A2Inventory Selling UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1InvSellingUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the primary measurement unit of how goods leave the organization through sales.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
16A2Inventory Stocking UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1InvStckUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit used associated with the quantity used for stocking inventory.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
17A2QuantityQUANTITY0..1QtBook quantity as expressed in the Inventory_Stocking_UOM_Code [InvStckUomCd].
18A2System QuantityQUANTITY0..1SystQtActual quantity on hand from the physical count in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd].
19A2Physical Count QuantityQUANTITY0..1PhysCountQtQuantity on hand at the last physical count when multiple counts are performed in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd].
20A2Last Count DateDATE0..1LstCountDtDate of the last physical count.
21A2Inventory List PriceAMOUNT0..1InvListPriceList or suggested retail price.
22A2Inventory CostAMOUNT0..1InvCostCost per unit using the method found in the Inventory_Cost_Method [InvCostMthd].
23A2Inventory Cost MethodTEXT 250..1InvCostMthdDescription of the costing method.EXAMPLE LIFO, FIFO, average, standard, specific identification.
24A2Average CostAMOUNT0..1AverageCostAverage cost of per unit.
25A2Standard CostAMOUNT0..1StdCostStandard cost per unit.
26A2Specific CostAMOUNT0..1SpecificCostSpecific cost per unit.
27A2Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeFunctional or group currency related to the balance (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
28A2Bin IDTEXT 250..1BinIdOptional identifier for the sub-location. The code used in the system.
29A2Bin LocationTEXT 500..1BinLctDescription of the bin location used in the system.
30E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
31A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1INV TRANSACTION--InvTrContains transaction history impacting the inventory accounts during the specified time period.
2A2Transaction Document IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1TrDocIdPK(1)Unique identifier for the picking ticket, shipping notice or other document created upon or associated with movement.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Transaction Document Line IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1TrDocLnIdPK(2)Unique identifier for the line number for a document other than a customer order or supplier purchase order.Typically auto-generated by the system.
4A2Project IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ProjIdBAS PROJECTProject IDUnique identifier for the project.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Project_ID [ProjId] in the BAS_Project [BasProj] table.
5A2Transaction Order IDTEXT 1000..1TrOrdIdUnique identifier for the customer order, (supplier) purchase order or other document associated with the transaction.Typically auto-generated by the system.
6A2Transaction Order Line IDTEXT 1000..1TrOrdLnIdUnique identifier for the line item from a customer order or (supplier) purchase order, in order to differentiate between multiple items in a single order for different quantities.Typically auto-generated by the system.
7A2Transaction DateDATE0..1TrDtDate of activity per associated transaction document, if applicable.
8A2Transaction TimeTIME0..1TrTmTime of the activity as per the associated transaction document, if applicable.
9A2Transaction TypeTEXT 800..1TrTypCaptures information regarding movements and adjustments.Movement types may include receipt, shipment, transfer, return, moved to production and moved from production. Quantity adjustment types may include physical count adjustment, damage, obsolete and scrapped. Cost adjustments may include the lowering of cost or market realization.
10A2Transaction Type SystemTEXT 600..1TrTypSystTransaction code local to the underlying accounting software system.
11A2Transaction DescriptionTEXT 10000..1TrDscrDescription of the transaction.
12A2Transaction QuantityQUANTITY0..1TrQtQuantity affected as expressed in the location stocking organization in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd]. When the inventory is received, the number involved will be a positive number. When the inventory is dispatched, the number involved will be a negative number.
13A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
14A2Customer Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1CustAcntIdBAS CUSTOMERCustomer Account IDUnique identifier for the receiving customer.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Customer_Account_ID [CustAcntId] in the BAS_Customer [BasCust] table.
15A2Inventory Document IDTEXT 600..1InvDocIdUnique identifier for the inventory document, specifying the sources where the inventory originates.Typically auto-generated by the system.
16A2Inventory Document NumberTEXT 800..1InvDocNrNumber of the inventory document.This number is usually generated by manual input or is system-generated.EXAMPLE 201305020001.
17A2Inventory Document Line IDTEXT 600..1InvDocLnIdUnique identifier for the inventory document line.Typically auto-generated by the system.
18A2Inventory Document Line NumberTEXT 100..1InvDocLnNrNumber of the inventory document line.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
19A2StatusSTATUS CODE0..1StatStatus of the inventory document.EXAMPLE New, save, submit, void, frozen.
20A2Inventory Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1InvOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for the inventory organization, which refers to the organizational unit, physical or virtual, where the inventory transaction and balances may be tracked and monitored.It provides inventory information to modules such as purchase and sales. The simplest form of inventory organization is warehouse.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
21A2Inventory Stocking UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1InvStckUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit used associated with the quantity used for stocking inventory.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
22A2Inventory Costing UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1InvCstngUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit for the inventory's cost.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
23A2Inventory Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1InvPrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the inventory item.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
24A2Lot NumberTEXT 600..1LotNrNumber associated with a product that is used for tracking and managing the lot.
25A2Serial NumberTEXT 600..1SerialNrNumber associated with an individual product item that is used for tracking and managing.EXAMPLE A company purchases 10 computers, with each computer assigned an individual serial number.
26A2Inventory Required ByTEXT 800..1InvRequiredByPerson or organization that makes the requisition for an inventory.
27A2Inventory From Location IDIDENTIFIER 750..1InvFromLctIdINV LOCATIONLocation IDUnique identifier for the stock trading source location.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Location_ID [LctId] in the INV_Location [InvLct] table.
28A2Inventory To Location IDIDENTIFIER 750..1InvToLctIdINV LOCATIONLocation IDUnique identifier for the stock trading destination.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Location_ID [LctId] in the INV_Location [InvLct] table.
29A2Cost Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1CostOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for the cost organization, which refers to the organizational unit/level where the cost of outbound inventory will be calculated.The calculation may be done at the corporate level, the stocking organization level or at the particular locations where inventory is stored.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
30A2Inventory CostAMOUNT0..1InvCostCost per unit using the method found in the Inventory_Cost_Method [InvCostMthd].
31A2Transaction Adjustment CostAMOUNT0..1TrAdjCostPer unit increase or decrease in the stocking cost as represented in field Inventory_Cost_Method [InvCostMthd] of the INV_On_Hand [InvOnHand] table.
32A2Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeFunctional or group currency related to the balance (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
33A2INV System Or External SourceSOURCE CODE0..1InvSystOrExtSrcIndicates whether the inventory transaction has originated within or outside the Inventory module.I is used for an internally initiated transaction and E is used for an externally initiated one.EXAMPLE Purchase or sale.
34A2INV Received And Dispatched CodeINVENTORY RECEIVED DISPATCHED CODE0..1InvRcvdAndDispedCdIndicates whether the inventory is received or dispatched.EXAMPLE 0 is inventory received, 1 is inventory dispatched.
35A2GL Line Debit Account IDGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlLnDbAcntIdBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the debit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
36A2GL Line Credit Account IDGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1GlLnCrAcntIdBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the credit side of the transaction has been posted.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
37E2POSTED0..1PostedInformation about the data that was posted.
38A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
39A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
40A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
41E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
42A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
43A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
44A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
45E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
46A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
47A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
48A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
49E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
50A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
51A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
52A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
53E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
54A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1INV PHYSICAL INVENTORY--InvPhysInvContains the quantities on hand as of the date of the physical inventory count as well as the flow information.
2A2Inventory Count Sheet IDIDENTIFIER 601..1InvCountShtIdPK(1)Unique identifier for the inventory count sheet.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Inventory Count Sheet NumberTEXT 800..1InvCountShtNrNumber of the inventory count sheet.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
4A2Inventory Count Sheet Line IDIDENTIFIER 601..1InvCountShtLnIdPK(2)Unique identifier for the inventory count sheet line.Typically auto-generated by the system.
5A2INV Count Sheet Line NumberTEXT 100..1InvCountShtLnNrNumber of the line of the inventory count sheet.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.
6A2Inventory Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1InvPrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the inventory item.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
7A2Location IDIDENTIFIER 750..1LctIdINV LOCATIONLocation IDUnique identifier for the organization.Shall be a valid entry in INV_Location [InvLct].Typically auto-generated by the system and used for data linking.Shall match the Location_ID [LctId] in the INV_Location [InvLct] table.
8A2Inventory Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1InvOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for the inventory organization.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
9A2Lot NumberTEXT 600..1LotNrNumber associated with a product that is used for tracking and managing the lot.
10A2Serial NumberTEXT 600..1SerialNrNumber associated with an individual product item that is used for tracking and managing.EXAMPLE A company purchases 10 computers, with each computer assigned an individual serial number.
11A2Bin IDTEXT 250..1BinIdOptional identifier for the sub-location. The code used in the system.
12A2Count DateDATE0..1CountDtDate of the physical count.
13A2Inventory Stocking UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1InvStckUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit used associated with the quantity used for stocking inventory.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
14A2System QuantityQUANTITY0..1SystQtActual quantity on hand from the physical count in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd].
15A2Phisical Count QuantityQUANTITY0..1PhisicalCountQtQuantity on hand at the last physical count when multiple counts are performed in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd].
16A2CommentTEXT 2000..1CommentComments on the count, variances or other information captured.
17E2POSTED0..1PostedInformation about the data that was posted.
18A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
19A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
20A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
21E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
22A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
23A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
24A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
25E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
26A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
27A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
28A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
29E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
30A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
31A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
32A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
33E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
34A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1INV PERIOD BALANCE--InvPerBalContains inventory information regarding its beginning and ending balances, quantities and durational quantities and amounts.
2A2Inventory Product IDIDENTIFIER 751..1InvPrdctIdPK(1)Unique identifier for the inventory item.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct] table.
3A2Location IDIDENTIFIER 750..1LctIdPK(2)Unique identifier for the organization.Shall be a valid entry in the INV_Location [InvLct] table.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Location_ID [LctId] in the INV_Location [InvLct] table.
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the calendar date occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the financial statement occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Inventory Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1InvOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for the inventory organization.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
7A2Lot NumberTEXT 600..1LotNrNumber associated with a product that is used for tracking and managing the lot.
8A2Inventory Beginning QuantityQUANTITY0..1InvBegQtQuantity of an inventory as of the beginning in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd].
9A2Inventory Ending QuantityQUANTITY0..1InvEndQtQuantity of an inventory as of the ending in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd].
10A2INV Received QuantityQUANTITY0..1InvRcvdQtGoods-received quantity of cumulative inventory materials at a current period in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd].
11A2INV Dispatched QuantityQUANTITY0..1InvDispedQtGoods-dispatched quantity of cumulative inventory materials at a current period in the Basic_UOM_Code [BasicUomCd].
12A2INV Debit AmountAMOUNT0..1InvDbAmtCumulative debit amount of inventory materials at a current period.
13A2INV Credit AmountAMOUNT0..1InvCrAmtCumulative credit amount of inventory materials at a current period.
14A2Inventory Beginning BalanceAMOUNT0..1InvBegBalBeginning balance of an inventory.
15A2Inventory Ending BalanceAMOUNT0..1InvEndBalEnding balance of an inventory.
16A2Cost Organization CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1CostOrgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for the cost organization.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
17A2Inventory Stocking UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1InvStckUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit used associated with the quantity used for stocking inventory.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
18A2Inventory Costing UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1InvCstngUomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit for the inventory's cost.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
19E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
20A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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Table 64 - PPE TYPE

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PPE TYPE--PpeTypContains the details of each PPE type.
2A2Type CodeIDENTIFIER 601..1TypCdPKUnique code of letters and/or numbers used to represent or identify a PPE type.EXAMPLE 0201 is manufacturing equipment, 0202 is working equipment.
3A2Type NameTEXT 600..1TypNmName of the type categorized by the PPE attributes.EXAMPLE Land, buildings, machinery, equipment.
4A2Parent Type IDIDENTIFIER 600..1ParTypIdPPE TYPEType CodeUnique identifier for the parent PPE type.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Type_Code [TypCd] in the PPE_Type [PpeTyp] table.

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Table 65 - PPE MASTER

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PPE MASTER--PpeMasterContains the details of each PPE item (e.g. its code, specification, location, acquiring date, original cost, quantity).
2A2PPE IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1PpeIdPKUnique identifier for the PPE.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2PPE CodeTEXT 600..1PpeCdInternal code of the PPE at the local level.
4A2Tag NumberTEXT 600..1TagNrTag that used to be commonly used when there was no ERP system to record the PPE's state of the whole lifespan. It is still used by some ERP systems in the business of PPE.This number is usually generated by manual input or is system-generated.EXAMPLE When there is a PPE, a tag is created correspondingly. Each tag contains either one PPE or several PPEs. However, each PPE has its own PPE_ID [PpeId] as a unique identifier. If a tag only has one PPE, the PPE_ID [PpeId] is the same as the Tag_Number [TagNr].
5A2Type CodeIDENTIFIER 600..1TypCdPPE TYPEType CodeUnique code of the PPE type.Shall match the Type_Code [TypCd] in the PPE_Type [PpeTyp] table.
6A2PPE NameTEXT 600..1PpeNmName of the PPE.
7A2PPE FeatureTEXT 600..1PpeFeatureFeature used to specify the PPE more clearly.EXAMPLE Brand, colour, size, configuration.
8A2Bar CodeTEXT 250..1BarCdUniversal Product Code or other external code.EXAMPLE The product code from a primary supplier.
9A2Purchase Order IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1PurOrdIdPUR ORDEROrder IDUnique identifier for the purchase order.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if the PPE is not generated from a purchase order. Otherwise shall match the Purchase_Order_ID [PurOrdId] in the PUR_Orders_Details [PurOrdDtls] table.
10A2Inventory Product IDIDENTIFIER 750..1InvPrdctIdINV PRODUCTInventory Product IDUnique identifier for the inventory item.Typically auto-generated by the system.May be set to NULL if the PPE is not generated from inventory. Otherwise shall match the Inventory_Product_ID [InvPrdctId] in the INV_Product [InvPrdct].
11A2Serial NumberTEXT 600..1SerialNrNumber associated with an individual PPE that is used for tracking and managing.EXAMPLE A company purchases 10 computers, with each computer assigned an individual serial number.
12A2Lot NumberTEXT 600..1LotNrNumber associated with a PPE that is used for tracking and managing the lot.
13A2ManufacturerTEXT 1000..1ManufacturerManufacturer of the PPE.
14A2Supplier Account IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1SuplAcntIdBAS SUPPLIERSupplier Account IDUnique identifier for the supplier.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Supplier_Account_ID [SuplAcntId] in the BAS_Supplier [BasSupl] table.
15A2Location DescriptionTEXT 10000..1LctDscrDescription of the location where the PPE is placed.
16A2Condition NameTEXT 600..1ConditionNmName of the various usage status of PPE.EXAMPLE Asset in-use, not-in-use, not-in-use for seasonal reasons.
17A2Acquisition DateDATE0..1AcqDtDate when the PPE is acquired.
18A2Posted DateDATE0..1PostedDtDate when PPE is posted into accounts.
19A2Placed Into Service DateDATE0..1PlacedIntoSrvcDtDate that PPE is placed into use.
20A2Quantity On HandQUANTITY0..1QtOnHandQuantity of PPE items on hand.
21A2UOM CodeMEASUREMENT UNIT CODE0..1UomCdBAS MEASUREMENT UNITUOM CodeCode for the measurement unit for measuring the quantity of PPE.Shall match the UOM_Code [UomCd] in the BAS_Measurement_Unit [BasMeaUnit] table.
22A2Useful LifeNUMBER 40..1UsefulLifeTotal useful life of the PPE in months.
23A2Useful Life RemainingNUMBER 40..1UsefulLifeRmngRemaining useful life of the PPE in months as of the report date.
24A2Original CostAMOUNT0..1OriginalCostOriginal cost of the PPE.
25A2Residual ValueAMOUNT0..1ResiValueResidual value of the PPE as of the report date.Typically calculated by an expected residual value ratio.
26A2Accumulated DepreciationAMOUNT0..1AccumDepreAccumulated depreciation of the PPE as of the report date.
27A2Impairment ProvisionAMOUNT0..1ImprProvImpairment provision of PPE as of the report date.
28A2Net Book ValueAMOUNT0..1NetBookValueNet book value of PPE as of the report date, which equals the original cost minus accumulated depreciation and impairment provision.
29A2Replacement CostAMOUNT0..1RplcCostReplacement cost of the PPE as of the report date.
30A2Fair ValueAMOUNT0..1FairValueFair value of PPE as of the report date.
31A2Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdFunctional or group currency related to the balance (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
32A2PPE Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1PpeAcntNrGL account number on which the Balance Sheet amount is recognized after the asset has been put into operation.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
33A2Impairment Provision ACC NUMGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1ImprProvAccNumNumber of the GL account on which the Balance Sheet amount is recognized for an impairment provision account.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
34A2Accumulated Depreciation ACC NUMGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1AccumDepreAccNumNumber of the GL account on which the Balance Sheet amount is recognized for accumulated depreciation.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
35E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
36A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
37A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
38A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
39E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
40A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
41A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
42A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
43E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
44A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
45A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
46A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
47E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
48A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PPE ADDITION--PpeAddContains the information of PPE addition transactions.
2A2Addition IDIDENTIFIER 601..1AddIdPKUnique identifier for the addition entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2PPE IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1PpeIdPPE MASTERPPE IDUnique identifier for the PPE.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the PPE_ID [PpeId] in the PPE_Master [PpeMaster] table.
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Addition_Date [AddDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Addition_Date [AddDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Tag NumberTEXT 600..1TagNrTag that used to be commonly used when there was no ERP system to record the PPE's state of the whole lifespan. It is still used by some ERP systems in the business of PPE.This number is usually generated by manual input or is system-generated.EXAMPLE When there is a PPE, a tag is created correspondingly. Each tag contains either one PPE or several PPEs. However, each PPE has its own PPE_ID [PpeId] as a unique identifier. If a tag only has one PPE, the PPE_ID [PpeId] is the same as the Tag_Number [TagNr].
7A2Addition Type NameTEXT 600..1AddTypNmDescription of the addition type.EXAMPLE Purchase, Invest, Donate.
8A2Addition DateDATE0..1AddDtDate when the addition transaction happens.
9A2Addition ReasonTEXT 2000..1AddReasonReason why the PPE is added.
10A2Addition QuantityQUANTITY0..1AddQtQuantity of PPE to be added.
11A2Original CostAMOUNT0..1OriginalCostOriginal cost of the PPE.
12A2Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeFunctional or group currency related to the balance (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
13E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
14A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
15A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
16A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
17E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
18A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
19A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
20A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
21E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
22A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
23A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
24A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
25E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
26A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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Table 67 - PPE REMOVAL

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PPE REMOVAL--PpeRmvContains the details related to PPE removal transactions.
2A2Removal IDIDENTIFIER 601..1RmvIdPKUnique identifier for the removal entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2PPE IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1PpeIdPPE MASTERPPE IDUnique identifier for the PPE.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the PPE_ID [PpeId] in the PPE_Master [PpeMaster] table.
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Removal_Date [RmvDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Removal_Date [RmvDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Tag NumberTEXT 600..1TagNrTag that used to be commonly used when there was no ERP system to record the PPE's state of the whole lifespan. It is still used by some ERP systems in the business of PPE.This number is usually generated by manual input or is system-generated.EXAMPLE When there is a PPE, a tag is created correspondingly. Each tag contains either one PPE or several PPEs. However, each PPE has its own PPE_ID [PpeId] as a unique identifier. If a tag only has one PPE, the PPE_ID [PpeId] is the same as the Tag_Number [TagNr].
7A2Removal Type NameTEXT 600..1RmvTypNmDescription of the removal type.EXAMPLE Sale, retirement, disposal, damaged.
8A2Removal DateDATE0..1RmvDtDate when the PPE is removed.
9A2Removal ReasonTEXT 2000..1RmvReasonReason why there was a removal.
10A2Removal QuantityQUANTITY0..1RmvQtReduced quantity of the PPE.
11A2Removal Original CostAMOUNT0..1RmvOriginalCostReduced original cost during the removal transaction.
12A2Removal Accumulated DepreciationAMOUNT0..1RmvAccumDepreReduced accumulated depreciation during the removal transaction.
13A2Removal Impairment ProvisionAMOUNT0..1RmvImprProvReduced impairment provision during the removal transaction.
14A2Removal Residual ValueAMOUNT0..1RmvResiValueReduced residual value during the removal transaction.
15A2Removal Cash Proceeds AmountAMOUNT0..1RmvCashPrcdsAmtAmount of cash proceeds received from the removal transaction.
16A2Removal Non Cash Proceeds AmountAMOUNT0..1RmvNonCashPrcdsAmtAmount of non-cash proceeds received from the removal transaction.
17A2Removal ExpenseAMOUNT0..1RmvExpnsExpense generated from the removal transaction.
18A2Unrealized Gain Loss AmountAMOUNT0..1UnrlzdGainLossAmtAmount of the unrealized gain/loss recorded on the Balance Sheet of the removal transaction.
19A2Realized Gain Loss AmountAMOUNT0..1RlzdGainLossAmtAmount of realized gain/loss recorded on the Income Statement related to the removal transaction.
20A2Functional Currency CodeCURRENCY CODE0..1FuncCurCdBAS CURRENCYCurrency CodeFunctional or group currency related to the balance (in accordance with ISO 4217).Shall match the Currency_Code [CurCd] in the BAS_Currency [BasCur] table.
21A2Unrealized Gain Loss ACC NUMGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1UnrlzdGainLossAccNumBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which Balance Sheet amount is recorded for unrealized gain/loss.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
22A2Realized Gain Loss Account NUMGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1RlzdGainLossAcntNumBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberGL account number on which the Income Statement amount is recognized for realized gain/loss.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
23E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
24A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
25A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
26A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
27E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
28A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
29A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
30A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
31E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
32A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
33A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
34A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
35E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
36A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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Table 68 - PPE CHANGE

NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PPE CHANGE--PpeChngContains changes in PPE information not related to additions and removals of PPE. Examples of information changes recorded include revaluation, historical cost, depreciation method and ownership.
2A2Change IDIDENTIFIER 601..1ChngIdPKUnique identifier for the change entry.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2PPE IDIDENTIFIER 1000..1PpeIdPPE MASTERPPE IDUnique identifier for the PPE.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the PPE_ID [PpeId] in the PPE_Master [PpeMaster] table.
4A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Change_Date [ChngDt] occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Change_Date [ChngDt] occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
6A2Tag NumberTEXT 600..1TagNrTag that used to be commonly used when there was no ERP system to record the PPE's state of the whole lifespan. It is still used by some ERP systems in the business of PPE.This number is usually generated by manual input or is system-generated.EXAMPLE When there is a PPE, a tag is created correspondingly. Each tag contains either one PPE or several PPEs. However, each PPE has its own PPE_ID [PpeId] as a unique identifier. If a tag only has one PPE, the PPE_ID [PpeId] is the same as the Tag_Number [TagNr].
7A2Change Type NameTEXT 600..1ChngTypNmType of change transaction, except for addition or removal transactions.EXAMPLE Re-evaluations, changes in historical cost, changes in depreciation method, transfers, changes in status.
8A2Change DateDATE0..1ChngDtDate when the changing transaction happens.
9A2Change ReasonTEXT 2000..1ChngReasonReason why the changing transaction happens.
10A2Content Before ChangeTEXT 600..1ContBefChngContent (e.g. the method, amount, quantity) before changing transaction.
11A2Content After ChangeTEXT 600..1ContAftChngContent (e.g. the method, amount, quantity) after changing transaction.
12E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
13A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
14A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
15A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
16E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
17A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
18A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
19A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
20E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
21A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
22A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
23A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
24E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
25A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PPE DEPARTMENT ALLOCATION--PpeDepAllocContains information about how the related expenses are allocated among departments who benefit from using the PPE, especially the depreciation expenses.
2A2PPE IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1PpeIdPPE MASTERPPE IDUnique identifier for the PPE.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the PPE_ID [PpeId] in the PPE_Master [PpeMaster] table.
3A2Depreciation Allocation ProportionPERCENTAGE0..1DepreAllocPropDepreciation allocation proportion of each department.
4A2Department CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1DepCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeCode for department rosters.EXAMPLE The department name is IT department, the code is 0018.Shall match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in the BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg] table.
5E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
6A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PPE DEPRECIATION METHOD--PpeDepreMthdContains the information of depreciation methods used for PPE depreciation.
2A2Depreciation Method IDIDENTIFIER 601..1DepreMthdIdPKUnique identifier for different depreciation methods.Typically auto-generated by the system.
3A2Depreciation Method NameTEXT 600..1DepreMthdNmName of the depreciation method.EXAMPLE Depreciation by straight-line method, double-declining-balance depreciation.
4A2Depreciation Method DescriptionTEXT 10000..1DepreMthdDscrDescription associated with the method.
5A2Depreciation FormulaTEXT 2000..1DepreFormulaBasic formula to calculate depreciation.
6E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
7A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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NoTNBusiness TermDomainCardTagPKRef. entityRef. attributeDescription
1E1PPE DEPRECIATION--PpeDepreContains the information correlating with PPE summarized depreciation in the period.
2A2PPE IDIDENTIFIER 1001..1PpeIdPKPPE MASTERPPE IDUnique identifier for the PPE.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the PPE_ID [PpeId] in the PPE_Master [PpeMaster] table.
3A2Fiscal YearYEAR IDENTIFIER0..1FiscYrBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODFiscal YearFiscal year in which the Created_Date occurs.The year shall be shown in four digits as YYYY, which is part of the extended format and the YYYY-MM-DD from ISO 8601-1.Shall match the Fiscal_Year [FiscYr] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
4A2Accounting PeriodPERIOD IDENTIFIER0..1AcntingPerBAS ACCOUNTING PERIODAccounting PeriodAccounting period in which the Created_Date occurs.EXAMPLE W1-W53 for weekly periods, M1-M12 for monthly periods, Q1-Q4 for quarterly periods, from any beginning date to any ending date.Shall match the Accounting_Period [AcntingPer] in the BAS_Accounting_Period [BasAcntingPer] table.
5A2Depreciation Method IDIDENTIFIER 600..1DepreMthdIdPPE DEPRECIATION METHODDepreciation Method IDField used to specify the depreciation method.Typically auto-generated by the system.Shall match the Depreciation_Method_ID [DepreMthdId] in the PPE_Depreciation_Method [PpeDepreMthd] table.
6A2Useful LifeNUMBER 40..1UsefulLifeTotal useful life of the PPE in months.
7A2Useful Life RemainingNUMBER 40..1UsefulLifeRmngRemaining useful life of the PPE in months as of the report date.
8A2Original CostAMOUNT0..1OriginalCostOriginal cost of the PPE.
9A2Residual ValueAMOUNT0..1ResiValueResidual value of the PPE as of the report date.Typically calculated by an expected residual value ratio.
10A2Depreciable BasisAMOUNT0..1DprcblBasisDepreciable basis of PPE, which shows the difference between the original cost and residual value.
11A2Depreciation AmountAMOUNT0..1DepreAmtAmount of depreciation recognized during the period.
12A2Accumulated DepreciationAMOUNT0..1AccumDepreAccumulated depreciation of the PPE as of the report date.
13A2Carrying AmountAMOUNT0..1CarryingAmtCarrying amount of PPE as of the report date, which shows the difference between the original cost and accumulated depreciation.
14A2Depreciation Account NumberGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1DepreAcntNrBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the Income Statement amount is recognized for depreciation.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
15A2Accumulated Depreciation ACC NUMGL ACCOUNT NUMBER 1000..1AccumDepreAccNumBAS CHART OF ACCOUNTSGL Account NumberNumber of the GL account on which the Balance Sheet amount is recognized for accumulated depreciation.This number is generated either by manual input or by the system.Shall match the GL_Account_Number [GlAcntNr] in the BAS_Chart_Of_Accounts [BasChartOfAcnts] table.
16E2CREATED0..1CreaInformation about the data that was created into the system.
17A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
18A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
19A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
20E2APPROVED0..1AprvInformation about the data was approved within the system.
21A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
22A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
23A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
24E2LAST MODIFIED0..1LstMdfInformation about the data was last modified within the system.
25A3User IDIDENTIFIER 250..1UserIdBAS USERUser IDThe unique identifier for the person who did the activity. Typically auto-generated by the system. Shall match the User_ID [UserId] in the BAS_User [BasUser] table.
26A3DateDATE0..1DtThe date of activity. This should be a system generated date (rather than user-created date), when possible. This is sometimes referred to as the creation date.
27A3TimeTIME0..1TmThe time of handling.
28E2BUSINESS SEGMENT0..nBusSgContains associated Business Segment information.
29A3Business Segment CodeIDENTIFIER 250..1BusSgCdBAS BUSINESS SEGMENTBusiness Segment CodeContains a code to identify the associated business segment. Must match the Business_Segment_Code [BusSgCd] in BAS_Business_Segment [BasBusSg].

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List of domains

Domain NameName of the domain
TagTag of the domain
FormatFormat like n..2, an..25
Data TypeData Type like integer, string
LengthLength, can be fixed length or maximum length
Fixed Variable LengthFixed or variable element length indicator
DecimalsNumber of decimals
Signed UnsignedSigned Unsigned indication
Min. valueMinimum value
Max. valueMaximum Value
PatternPattern (XML pattern method)
DescriptionDescription of the domain
CodelistCodelist associated

Domain NameTagFormatData TypeLengthFixed Variable LengthDecimalsSigned UnsignedMin. valueMax. valuePatternDescriptionCodelist
ACCOUNT HIERARCHYTypAcntHrchyn..2Integer2VariableSigned
ACCOUNT TYPETypAcntTypan..25String25Variable
ADJUSTMENT INDICATORTypAdjIndan..1String1VariableAdjustment Indicator
BANK CODETypBankCdan..80String80Variable
BRANCH CODETypBraCdan..80String80Variable
CITY NAMETypCityNman..100String100Variable
COUNTRY CODETypCntryCdan..3String3VariableISO 3166-2 Country Codes
CREDIT DEBIT CODETypCrDbCdan..1String1VariableCredit Debit Indicator Code
CURRENCY CODETypCurCdan3String3FixedISO 4217, codes for representation of currencies.ISO 4217 Currency Codes
CUSTOMER TYPE CODETypCustTypCdan..100String100Variable
FILE ENCODING RULE CODETypFileEncRuleCdan..20String20Variable
GL ACCOUNT NUMBER 100TypGlAcntNr100an..100String100Variable
HIERARCHY LEVELTypHrchyLeveln..2Integer2VariableSigned
IDENTIFIER 100TypId100an..100String100Variable
IDENTIFIER 200TypId200an..200String200Variable
IDENTIFIER 25TypId25an..25String25Variable
IDENTIFIER 5TypId5an..5String5Variable
IDENTIFIER 60TypId60an..60String60Variable
IDENTIFIER 75TypId75an..75String75Variable
IDENTIFIER 80TypId80an..80String80Variable
INVENTORY ABC CODETypInvAbcCdan..25String25Variable
INVENTORY PRODUCT TYPE CODETypInvPrdctTypCdan..80String80Variable
INVENTORY RECEIVED DISPATCHED CODETypInvRcvdDispedCdn1String1FixedInventory Received Dispatched Code
MEASUREMENT UNIT CODETypMeaUnitCdan..80String80Variable
NAME 100TypNm100an..100String100Variable
NAME 200TypNm200an..200String200Variable
NAME 25TypNm25an..25String25Variable
NAME 60TypNm60an..60String60Variable
NAME 80TypNm80an..80String80Variable
NUMBER 4TypNr4n..4Integer4VariableSigned
NUMBER 6TypNr6n..6Integer6VariableSigned
PAYMENT TERM CODETypPayTermCdan..80String80Variable
PERIOD IDENTIFIERTypPerIdan..15String15Variable
PHONE NUMBERTypPhoneNran..20String20Variable
POSTAL CODETypPostalCdan..20String20Variable
REFERENCE LEVELTypRefLevelan..2String2Variable
REGULATOR CODETypRgltrCdan..25String25Variable
REVERSAL INDICATOR CODETypRevIndCdan..1String1Variable
SOURCE CODETypSrcCdan..1String1VariableSource Code
STATE PROVINCE CODETypStatePrvncCdan..6String6VariableISO 3166-2 State Province Codes
STATUS CODETypStatCdan..30String30Variable
SUPPLIER TYPE CODETypSuplTypCdan..100String100Variable
SYSTEM MANUAL IDENTIFIERTypSystManualIdan..1String1VariableSystem Manual Code
TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBERTypTaxIdentificationNran..100String100Variable
TAX TYPE CODETypTaxTypCdan..25String25Variable
TEXT 10TypText10an..10String10Variable
TEXT 100TypText100an..100String100Variable
TEXT 1000TypText1000an..1000String1000Variable
TEXT 12TypText12an..12String12Variable
TEXT 128TypText128an..128String128Variable
TEXT 20TypText20an..20String20Variable
TEXT 200TypText200an..200String200Variable
TEXT 25TypText25an..25String25Variable
TEXT 30TypText30an..30String30Variable
TEXT 40TypText40an..40String40Variable
TEXT 50TypText50an..50String50Variable
TEXT 500TypText500an..500String500Variable
TEXT 60TypText60an..60String60Variable
TEXT 80TypText80an..80String80Variable
TIME ZONETypTmZonean..6String6Variable
YEAR IDENTIFIERTypYrIdn..4Integer4Variable

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List of Codelists and Codes

Codelist NameName of the codelist
ExternalIndication whether a codelist is an External codelist, like ISO Currency codes
CodeCode value
Code nameName of the code, like Euro for code EUR.

Codelist nameExternalCodeCode name
Adjustment IndicatorN0Transaction is the original transaction.
Adjustment IndicatorN1Transaction is an adjustment.
ISO 3166-2 Country CodesY
Credit Debit Indicator CodeNCcredit
Credit Debit Indicator CodeNDdebit
ISO 4217 Currency CodesY
Inventory Received Dispatched CodeN0Inventory received
Inventory Received Dispatched CodeN1Inventory dispatched
Source CodeNEExternally initiated
Source CodeNIInventory initiated
ISO 3166-2 State Province CodesY
System Manual CodeNMManual
System Manual CodeNSSystem

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